I'm sick of my instructor so much I want to quit college!!!!

by FreedomFrog 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bring_the_Light
    Find out exactly what they are asking for and give it to them.

    I find it really depressing, but this is the correct way to think about college. Don't try to be brilliant, do any special learning out of class don't try to expand on things in class, just play the game and get your grade, you can't expect too much more.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Couple of points here. Some instructors like to be contacted in certain ways. Many do not like calls at home, and you can't blaim them. If he didn't return your call for three days, you might have been annoying him. Most instructors will not let this affect their grading of you, but annoyances can never help. You usually can't go wrong with dropping in during posted office hours. These hours are kept by every intructor and are specifically available for outside class discussion. Also, talking and studying with other students can be an invaluable help in difficult classes.

    There is no such thing as a "perfect" paper. Constructive criticism and an honest grade is more conducive to learning and is much more valuable than a pat on the back and an "a" with no suggestions for improvement. About APA, I've not written with APA, but I have written and dealt extensively with MLA and Bluebook citations. You have to keep in mind that formats change rules frequently and instructors will not always be up on the latest thing. If you went by the book and got docked, point it out to the instructor. However, it's still safer to put the writing in the format he or she wants.

    Finally, we have a lot of ways to view the things in life that happens to us. We can view a poor grade as a slap in the face that was unwarranted. We can also view a poor grade as an indication that we need to give up or that we are a failure. The most beneficial way to view a poor grade, however, is as a great opportunity for improvement.

    I realize that you probably just wanted a sympathetic ear and some consolation, but I'm not equipped to provide such things. ;-)

  • Scully

    Now, I didn't see anywhere (I'm still looking the site over) on how you're supposed to write "Reference/s". I know you're suppose to center it but is it "References:" with a colon or is it "References" without the colon?

    Headings should be without a colon. I use left justification for my headings rather than centering - it tends to make for easier reading for the prof - they don't have to dart their eye to the center of the page and back to the left for the first sentence of the section under the heading.

    Another tip: Take a look at some of the journals that you are using for your references. They will use references as well, and usually use APA format. Some of them will even provide the appropriate APA format for the article in the footer of the page.

    You can also check Google Scholar that will give you access to PubMed articles and the APA style reference for the articles that come up in the search results.

    Find out exactly what they are asking for and give it to them.
    I find it really depressing, but this is the correct way to think about college. Don't try to be brilliant, do any special learning out of class don't try to expand on things in class, just play the game and get your grade, you can't expect too much more.

    Sad to say, but profs at the college/university level usually don't have the time to give to students who think outside the box or excel in some way. I had always had a flare for creative writing in high school and found it depressing in college when those skills didn't achieve the results I had become accustomed to in high school. Once I started keeping strictly to the criteria of the assignments, my marks improved dramatically.

    A few of my essays are online - I'll PM a couple of links to you, FreedomFrog, so you can have a look at the formatting.

  • FreedomFrog
    I hope for the best with you.... Next time take an online class... its more on your terms... IMHO.

    Sad thing, this is an online class. Some instructors are tougher than others. The "scheduling" is more on my terms (with conditions) but the grading, I feel, is more strict than in a traditional setting. Instructors can't (by regulations) curve a grade...though I have had a few do it anyway...LOL

    Couple of points here. Some instructors like to be contacted in certain ways. Many do not like calls at home, and you can't blaim them. If he didn't return your call for three days, you might have been annoying him.

    Nope, not that because he does have to answer between the times (which that's what I did) that we are able to call. Since this is an online school, they have "office hours" where we can call (and instructors are suppose to be there) for help. If he got annoyed and this was his problem, then he should get into another job and not instruct an online course.

    I think the reason he missed my email was because he told me he's working with 2 classes, mine and a psychology class that is one level below and he over looked it. Still, I'm not sure how he would have missed my calls.

    When talking with him, it sounded as if he had no clue to what was being taught, or what he was doing. Maybe he's new at this because the school has been changing a lot lately because apparently there have been instructors that had to be let go.

  • hillbilly

    My son had a prof like that his Junior year. Whole classes of her students could document her errors in the way she graded work. He got out with a C... that brought him in at 3.1 for 3 years... good news is most of his senior year will be electives (he needs 12 hours for full time to keep scholarship) so he figures a bunch of A's in classes he wants to take will bring that GPA back into the high 3's

    Do what you have to do to pass if it's to late to WD this class... If you see a conflict again WD early... the wife WD a couple of classes and got A's when she tried again.

    Besides... the GPA you walk away with at the end is what counts. Strategy is as important as hard work in getting a good college GPA.


  • StAnn

    FF, I'm curious what school you attend.

    Here's what I've found works for me: give the prof what he wants. I received an A+ on a paper in a class and the prof told the class that mine was only the second A+ she'd given in 37 years of teaching. I write down everything the prof says when she's giving out instructions and follow them to the letter. This is good advice for your working life, too, as what matters is giving your boss what he/she wants, whether you agree with him/her or not.

  • FreedomFrog
    FF, I'm curious what school you attend.

    It's University of Phoenix.

    They haven't been too bad and their programs are great but sometimes you get instructors that are either over worked or not ready to be an instructor. Apparently, from what my academic counselor has told me, they are having problems keeping instructors and the turnover is very high which is causing a hardship in training new instructors.

  • Mysterious
    You know I had a prof like that this term and a similar grade.

    What class was that Mysterious?

    It was a required stats class.

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