I'm sick of my instructor so much I want to quit college!!!!

by FreedomFrog 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FreedomFrog

    I'm not gonna quit, though I have the strong desire to do so. We're in week 7 and my grade sucks in this class. I understand most of it but he is so picky that no matter how well written there is always so many points taken off.

    One assignment I didn't understand and I emailed him asking him to explain. They are suppose to get back with you within 24 hours. It took him 3 days and that was even with me calling him every night which he never returned my calls. Even though he gave me one day credit because of his mistake, it still took a lot off my score on top of him criticizing (which means MORE points off) it further into a not so good grade.

    Everyone of my classes I've gotten a B+ or higher but with his class I'll be lucky if I get a C-...Ugh, there goes my GPA!

    I'm SO discouraged right now!

  • FreedomFrog

    Just to add, I'm so sick inside about this, I'm gonna go to bed and try to forget about this right now.

    I'll check back tomorrow, I do need some encouraging words right now.

  • Indo_Dude

    Trust me, I've 'been there, done that'. Here's a tip. Try to start all over again. Review the material anew. Re-engage the professor if you can. If all else fails, guess what? Who gives a rats crap? I had a class like you did a couple of years ago. I ended up withdrawing, so I could take it a again with a different professor. Where I previously was barely passing, under my professor, I got an A. Sometimes you have to know which battles to fight, and which to fold, and fight another day.

  • JK666


    I had a couple of Professor's like that. Try not to let this get you down, although it is hard when you take your GPA seriously. In my associates program, I had a Lit teacher that was unbearable. She shot down everyone's GPA but mine in the entire class. Everyone, including me, complained to administration about her, and she was actually let go by the University. If everyone is having problems with him, start a revolt and see if it helps.

    Good luck, and keep plugging away!


  • Bring_the_Light
    Everyone of my classes I've gotten a B+ or higher but with his class I'll be lucky if I get a C-...Ugh, there goes my GPA!

    Don't worry about it. In spite of my being a genious, I got a D+ in a class once. I have lots of very good excuses, including the prof. didn't speak English, but in the end failure is the best experience you can ever have. I learned more from my D+ than every other class I've aced.

    Its life. Be assured that nobody gives a flip what your GPA was once you get into the real world. I wound up (after transfer credits were not weighted in by UofM, there are no "easy" classes whatsoever in the following number) with a 2.995 GPA when I graduated. Can you fucking believe that? They had to report 3 digits after the decimel just to screw me.


  • JimmyPage

    Hey if you can survive the borg you can survive this teacher. Remember this Kingdom melody: "You too will see your salary rise/ If you keep your eyes on the prize."

  • JimmyPage

    No offense, Bring the Light, but "genious" is spelled "genius". (Billy Corgan being one, so I forgive you.)

  • FreedomFrog

    Thanks everyone...I'll try not to let this get me down. I know that I'll still get my degree even if my GPA scores are low and I know it won't matter to the outside world...but keeping my GPA up is a personal thing for me; It means a lot to me. At the moment my GPA is 3.69 but that's gonna change after this stupid class.

    Try to start all over again. Review the material anew. Re-engage the professor if you can. If all else fails, guess what? Who gives a rats crap?

    It's too late to withdraw without having some consequences on my loan. Failing isn't an option really because I'd have to retake it but have to pay $710. up front before I can continue with my education.

    She shot down everyone's GPA but mine in the entire class. Everyone, including me, complained to administration about her, and she was actually let go by the University.

    Yeah, that's a good idea. I think I will talk with the others to see if they are having trouble. I don't like the fact that I was docked for more points when he wouldn't answer my emails or answer the phone. Then I wouldn't really get help...just, "well, you need to Google it and you should have your answer".

    Right now my grade is at a 61.37% . I know that it'll come up but he's making it tough to bring the grade up from criticizing the hell out of everything. I'm hoping that with my final he doesn't do that too much because that will either make or break me.

    All of my professors have graded my work on whether or not I understood the assignment and did good with the actual assignments. They would recommend this or that on the writing style but wouldn't take points off since I'd do perfect with the assignments.

    With him, if I forget to add a period in my references, or say (pg. instead of p.) he takes points off of all those little details. I'm NOT in creative writing anymore and those little things can be mentioned but not taken off for points....sheessh.

    BTW- writing in APA means totally different to each of my professors. One may want me to use "p." for page while the others want me to use "pg." for page. I use the APA manual and I've noticed many things can go either way and sometimes it's up to the writer to choose the (small stuff) styles. As long as it's doubled space, title page, numbered correctly and with a reference page...I don't see why all the points need to be taken off.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    that sucks, I've had a couple before, after a while if I got a bad feeling I would just withdraw from the class and take another.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Hello Freedom Frog:

    I suggest you have your assignments reveiwed by the writing lab before you submit them. While you may be irritated with him, your instructor is doing you a favor; writing is an incredibly useful skill is today's workforce.


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