Today I am going to buy a boat.....

by wings 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • wings

    It's Sunday, and I need to get away from my reality for a bit.

    Going to buy a boat. Needs to have a cabin, potty, shower, big a boat would that have to be? Then I have to decide where to go. Maybe the Caribbean somewhere. A friend suggested an island there. Maybe when he wakes up he can remind me. (oompa where are you?).

    Also, because I don't know how to drive a big boat, I need someone to come along and captain the ship. Any takers????

    I'll bring the food and beer, and we could start with a little Jimmy Buffett just to get the party rolling.

    I would also be willing to go to a big lake. I love Lake Powell, I hear the water is back up this year. Anyone have a truck big enough to pull the thing?

    Who wants to come along? Should we do some fishing?

    wings (stuck in la la land today)

  • IP_SEC

    Sounds like great fun! Im in!

  • wings

    So, IP, can you captain the boat?

  • IP_SEC

    As long as it has a motor and not sails... Priest is good with sails I understand.

  • wings

    I'm good with the motor thing, unless priest shows up....well just go with a BIG motor boat. Where do you want to go?

  • Velvetann

    Hi Wings

    What a great plan, and a big project. Lucky you being able to do that. Do you live near deep water.

    I am sure you will find volunteers to be captain for it as well as someone to haul it for you. Summer boating is a huge Treat!!!!

    Boats and the water are my passion. Unfortunately I can't afford a boat with a cabin right now. I am waiting to have my little jet boat (seats 4) put in the water at my dock on Tuesday.

    I used to sail, in the Toronto Harbour and in the Caribbean. NOthing like it. Nowadays a motor boat is more my style and of course needs a "head" and a "galley" and a bunk to sleep in. I live on a river so we can only use jet boats, fishing boats or pontoon boats (boats in my body of water have to have shallow draft) as there are narrows and shallow rapids in some places before we get up to the deeper lakes. My river leads into a Huge lake just below me (I can't get in that one because there is a dam in the way) and there they have gorgeous big boats that people can live on all summer. That would be Heaven to me.

    Love the boats, good luck wings and when you get your boat, hope you can share the experience with us.


  • SixofNine

    Today I am going to begin being an incredible suck-up to wings.

  • SixofNine

    Pardon me for saying this, but that boat's going to look good with someone as beautiful as you at the helm, wings.

  • wings

    Okay six....what skills do you bring? Do you know how to clean fish???

  • SixofNine

    Well gorgeous, I'm good with sucking-up, so I guess if the bilge pump motor quits.....


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