A kind response to Jim Penton & Ros of Channel C

by Amazing 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Blueblades

    Hi Jim! How is your health, your heart? It's been awhile since we exchanged topic responses.

    I don't wish to get involved on either side of the discussion boards concerning your present topic here. It can become very taxing on my health, as I have aortic stenosis of the valve.

    I hope that you are taking good care of yourself and not stressing out your heart with these responses.

    I remember the days when I use to follow all your topics here on JWD before you had to stop posting because of your involvement with judicial matters.

    How is your family doing? We are getting older, in our sixties now. Where has the time gone? It was just yesterday in 1969 when that first knock came at our door. When is your book coming out?

    Take good care of yourself


  • Amazing


    Amazing, if it is so awful at Channel C, you should be glad to be gone. Who would want to waste his or her time as a site such as you described. Perhaps a more emotionally balanced response is to "quietly" leave Channel C, without looking for another forum in which to air your anger towards them. ... Recommendation: move on, get over it.

    Your point, like Fjtoth, is irrelevant and untruthful. I never stated it was so aweful at CC. I did state that I agreed with and respected the forum policy, and that is why I posted here. Evidently, it would help you to read and understand a thread. And I am not smearing CC as falsely suggested by Fjtoth. I rather liked it at CC and I care about the people on CC. I left because the Catholic dicusssions were unproductive and very negative as acknowledged by Jim Penton. The purpose of this post on JWD was made clear at the outset ... there is nothing to move on to ... there is nothing to get over. Public claims were falsely made about James Caputo and myself by two people, not an entire discussion board. Both James and I respectfully addressed those claims. Ros read our responses, and did not challenge them here, or on her forum, but she did acknowledge them. Therefore, as far as I am concerned this thread did its job ... the subject is closed. It is immature cry-babies who have nothing better to do than then to attempt to chide and bate me into an arguement that I will not engage.

    Adios, Jim W.


    A Christian,

    Thanks for your comments above. Your concise paragraph captured the point wuite well. And at times I will continue to post on CC. I will simply respect that board's policy and refrain from discussions of Catholic teaching and doctrine. It is refreshing to read your fair comments that demonstrate rational thinking ability. - Jim W.


    Good to see you too. My heart is doing very well. I had another close call in August of 2006, but my heart over all is doing well. Thanks, - Jim W.

  • fjtoth

    Jim W.:

    Therefore, as far as I am concerned this thread did its job ... the subject is closed.

    At last! It's so good that you've been able to reach this stage! Now those of us who have chosen to remain non-Catholic may feel comfortable in knowing we will no longer feel chided as though we possess inferior knowledge of what Catholicism is all about. Congratulations!


  • whereami

    fjtoth if this thread bothers you so much, why comment? I don't get all the sarcasim with your cartoons. It's funny how some responding to this thread will tell Jim to practicly shut up & stop crying and move on, but they can't do the same if they themselves don't like the tread. Weird.

  • Carlos_Helms

    Good for you, Frank!

    You got in your "last word." That's like a 2-point conversion at the end of a 4 touchdown spanking.

    Were you ever threatened by "those Catholics"? You act as if this whole thing was directed at you.


  • fjtoth


    Isn't it just as weird that you felt it necessary to comment on my comments? It seems you're doing the same thing you feel I shouldn't do. Additionally, I know none of us can please everybody. If you didn't get the point of my cartoons, others did, and some said they appreciated them. I have no idea where you and Jim got the idea that somebody is "crying" over this topic. I never told Jim to "shut up" but there were times on CC when I wished he did. He claims he wasn't trying to convert anybody, but the majority felt that was his only intention. There are scholarly and other brilliant persons on CC who felt Jim frequently went too far with his proseletyzing. His frequent denials never appeared to convince anybody but those few who share his Roman Catholic beliefs.


  • fjtoth

    Hi Carlos :

    My mother's side of the family is Roman Catholic with two uncles and two cousins in the Mafia. I have another cousin who sends me Catholic stuff in postal mail and email just about every month. And once they get on your case, they can't seem to take no for an answer. About as bad as JWs.

    It amuses me when a recent convert to Catholicism insinuates that the rest of us have no idea what the religion really is.


  • alanmarais

    Fjtoth has made fun of lots of us and used hurtful words in emails like so much fire on people. Jim W is a gentleman who has defended silentlambs in the courtroom. I stand with Jim. Why else?

    For one thing, Penton is indeed very brusque and in the opinion of many he is a know-it-all who really isn't. True, he's good even superb at research and writing but quite lacking in social skills. I have nothing against him being a Bible Student as he can believe whatever he wants. But he definitely does like to jump down people's throats and seems a bit paranoid, definitely anti-Catholic but also anti- a lot of Protestant groups too.

    As for Ros, she also started and has Christian Quest. It has pretended since 1999 to provide an alternative to the Watchtower Society. In fact it is a phoney which deadends would-be starter-uppers of any independent non-Watchtower group. Like choking infants in the crib. She pretends to be lady-like but that's a sham too.

    I'm not Catholic. I'm an independent Christian. When growing up I heard it said (falsely) that Catholics worship idols. They pray before statues but do not worship them. Those have been used from the earliest Christian times for helping focus their thoughts, meditations, prayer, not recipients of worship.

    Bible Students and their sympathizers like Ros and Jim Penton are also like Watchtower in misteaching another concept. Both Protestants and Catholics most all agree there are three persons in one godship or highest degree of holiness, the trinity, the supreme sphere for worship or God, though it is acknowledged Christ said the Father is greater.

    The BS's are anti-this teaching, hence sadly separating themselves along with Watchtower from most all Christian Protestants and Catholics alike. They misteach that other Christians worship a three-headed God instead of three persons in what Romans 1:20 says is godship. I'd add that Fjtoth also misunderstands and misteaches on this. He's had a house-church around Toronto. I doubt it exists anymore or will much longer if it does since he is so dogmatic and supercilious about this, too.

  • toreador


    Your cartoons were spot on. I think Caputo did far more proselytizing than JimW ever did though in all fairness. From what I remember of the times when i would drop in, it was Caputo who could not and would not listen to repeated requests. He did the same thing on CC to many of the participants that he did here, i.e. he would double and triple respond to each and every post as if posting mere volumes of information would weigh someone over to the his way of thinking. He was asked to take it elsewhere repeatedly by several members of the board including the board owner. He admits to repeatedly making fun of the administrator; what did he expect would happen. If one repeatedly made fun of Simon, the owner of this board, what do you suppose would happen. It doesnt surprise me that he would whine and complain about it here as he loves whatever audience he can get. How much do you want to bet he will post several more paragraphs. One would only have to check the archives, if they are still up on CC to show that his claims are false for anyone who is really THAT interested. I don't think its worth the time and effort IMHO. Time to let it drop by the wayside.

  • fjtoth


    You seem to have problems of your own that need attention. Who are the "lots of us" I've made fun of? Who received emails from me that were "so much fire on people"? Either you're making up stories or you've listened to gossipers who don't know what they're talking about. You pretend to know so much about me, yet you have no idea where I attend church or if I even do. You have no idea whether the group is large or small, but you pretend to know.

    I agree Jim W is a gentleman and has done good deeds within the courtroom. But you have no idea what I've done or not done in courtrooms, or how often. I'm glad you stand with Jim. There are others who stand with me. So???

    I have no idea what your relationship has been with Jim Penton, but it's mere malicious gossip when I read what you say against him behind his back. Instead of judging people, in this thread you should be judging what has been stated at Channel C. To call someone a know-it-all is to attack a person's character without being specific. You're merely spreading wicked rumors with all the other things you've written about Jim and Ros as persons.

    You say you're not Catholic, yet you pretend to know more about them than some of us who grew up with them in our families. Before you start spreading negative stories about the Bible Students and others, it would do you good to study more about them as well as about Catholicism. A little learning never hurt anybody.


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