Who fulfills Matt: 24:14

by Parliament 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    If i picked a church that has done the most gospel preaching in the largest area, i would say the catholic church. It began in the 4th century and carries on today 1700 yrs later. Picture it, there is constantine and maybe 150,000 christians. When he made it the state church, they blitzed europe, even to england. Missionaries did a tremendous work in china and india. Churches were set up in both countries. Indian christians claim lineage back for almost 2000 yrs.

    Later, priests and jesuits were half steps behind men like columbus, cortez, pizaro, champlain. Talk about zeal for the gospel message. Yes, they overdid it, i know. But the work of the jws in the last 100 yrs is like nothing compared to the manhours, books, blood, sweat and tears that the catholic church invested.

    I can hear the BUTS now. But they forced people to convert on pain of death, etc. I know they did. They screwed up a lot, but if you read about the lives of some of the saints like st francis, st bart, while the stories are polished up a bit, there was a lot of love, and teaching work put in too.

    Actually, while the rc's don't brag about it, they do a lot of social work and feeding of bums too. The bible states that jesus did this and he said his followers should. Jws only do a bit for their own, not for outsiders.

    And so, while i'm not a catholic and don't want anyone here (no offence meant yeru) to become one, i have to give them my vote as the group that has fulfilled mt24:14. So bring on the big a, jehovah.

    Remember too that the wt isn't preaching the same christian message as the bible christians. Christans preached christ died, resurected, forgiveness of sins. The wt message is death to 99% of people, then a totalitarian 'paradise', w death for any dissidents. A 'different good news' i would say.


  • anewperson

    WITNESSING, WHY & HOW TO DO IT BESIDES DOOR-TO-DOOR? Christianity as a whole has observed the commandment to preach the Good News whether by word of mouth or, better, by acts of loving kindness such as building shelters for the homeless and giving food to the starving. Although Acts 20:20 says apostles went house to house Luke 10:7 says do NOT be transferring from house to house, which most believe means, as with Christ and the apostles, visiting a while with someone who shows sincere interest and tell the Good News then going to someone else at a distance, perhaps as a referral, but that we are not to normally move about canvassing every single house such that people regard us as pesks or busybodies, potentially angering or bringing undue reproach against God's good name or person. The Bible says they went house to house, notice, NOT "door to door." But regardless of whether it is done systematically or more naturally and informally, God loves a voluntary hence cheerful giver of the Good News.

    And as said witnessing can be by word of mouth or fine works etc, but tracts are also a favorite both nowadays and in centuries past. People give Bible tracts (leaflets) to store sales clerks, co-workers, shopping waiting in line or seated by fountains inside malls, waitresses along with a tip, McDonald's and Wal-Mart cahsiers, grocery store checkout clerks, gas station attendants, convenience store cashiers. If they own their own business they include tracts in customer bags. They leave them in restrooms, on ATM machines, at telephone pay booths, on seats at donut shop counters, on car windshield wipers, in gift packages for the poor and needy, on coffee shop seats, on bus stop beaches, in airport waiting areas, inside magazines at the doctor's office or hospital waiting room, in books at the library, inside videos when returned to the rental store.

    Also Bible tracts or leaflet are left at the bowling alley dining area or restroom or even in a returned rented bowling shoe, at amusement park facilities, at fairs of all sorts, in hotels inside Bibles left by the Gideons and atop ice-machines, in magazines aboard airplanes, with truck drivers at places they stop, in laundrymats, in storerooms, places visited while on vacations, with flight attendants, with people at parks, with cab drivers, at the office for food stamps, the department for family services, at a safe house for battered women, at a juvenile detention center, wrapped in plastic then left in driveways, on grocery shelves, mailed to those the newspaper says were convicted of driving while intoxicated.

    Again, there are other ways to fulfill Matthew 24:14 and 28:19, word-of-mouth, good deeds for the needy (Ga 2:10), a scripture on cardboard in your car window or on a bumpersticker etc. Really which would you yourself prefer if cold and hungry, being told "keep warm and well fed" even as you freeze and starve, or being given warm soup and a coat??? But keeping tracts or leaflets in purse or wallet is inexpensive, handy and makes it all the more likely you'll actually use them. A tract can be a simple handwritten black and white photocopy with just 2-3 Bible verses, include simple drawings like those at chick.com, or you might buy some in color. See! Anyone can do it no matter how young or old, shy or talkative, rich or poor. That's how THEY do it - and so can YOU!

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  • Satanus

    Venice the preterist. Coool.

  • Satanus


    Mt24:14 says nothing about door to door. Don't let him inject that condition for the preaching.


  • Yadirf

    My used-to-be dearest VeniceIT:

    You said:

    there is NO support of any 2 fold fulfillment's!!!
    Apparently you are under the impression that everything that Jesus predicted in the 24th Chapter of Matthew has already undergone fulfillment.

    You are much mistaken, my one-time dear. How so? The fact that Jesus' prophecy of Matthew 24:7 has its parallel at Revelation 6:4-8 shows that that part of his prophecy was to have a fulfillment much later than the year 70 C.E. As a matter of fact it has YET to find fulfillment.


  • neyank

    Yes. The JWS go door to door thinking that they are fulfilling Matt.24:14.
    But what is the life saving message that the JWS are preaching?
    That God is going to wipe out mankind at Armageddon and the only way to survive is to be a part of the WTBTS.

    Now I don't know about you guys, but I looked and looked thru the Scriptures and I can't find that teaching anywhere.

    Oh I know that when the JWS are confronted with that teaching, they will say only God can decide who will be saved.
    But the WTS teaching over the years has made it clear that they believe only the WTS has the information needed to be able to make it thru Armageddon.
    After all, they say all other religions teachings is false.
    They on the other hand teach "TRUTH".

    And what about the "truth" the WTS is teaching?
    Hasn't their "truth" changed over and over again?
    As ISP has said, They have filled the world with false info. regarding Christ.

    So whether or not the WTS goes door to door preaching, they are not fulfilling Matt.24:14.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Parliament, and welcome to this happy place.

    Re: Who fulfills Matt 24:14?
    I can't see anyone being mentioned in that verse, at least not in any translation I have. How about you?

    If there's no-one mentioned, then the question is irrelevant, ain't it?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Moxy

    i might point out that WT interpretation of certain parables involve the nominal christian churches. in particular, the 'dragnet' that pulls in all the fishes is applied to the christian churches throughout the centuries that have spread the bible and helped make 'rice christians.' of course, they are not teaching truth, but they are helping lay the groundwork for the real truth when it arrives.

    so while they claim to be alone in fulfilling Mt 24:14, that does not mean that they don't think anyone else helped them.


  • VeniceIT

    not so dearest Yadirf:

    "The fact that Jesus' prophecy of Matthew 24:7 has its parallel at Revelation 6:4-8 shows that that part of his prophecy was to have a fulfillment much later than the year 70 C.E."

    That WOULD be true if Rev was written After 70CE, but alas they were written prior as can be seen with new technology and discoveries. You might be interested in reading the book 'The Dating of Revelation'(that refers to when it was written I'm not asking you out


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • siegswife

    Chapter 24 of Matthew also speaks of false prophets arising during the time of the end. If that happened during the time period surrounding 1914, then who fulfilled that part of the scripture? I know that JW's arose during that time period.

    Who fulfills the prophesy regarding false prophets that claim Christ has come?

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