Who fulfills Matt: 24:14

by Parliament 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Parliament

    In the past, I have wondered who fulfills Matt 24:14. I know that jw's are really the only ones who do preach from door to door. That scripture will is burned in my head forever from my parents making me remembering it when I would door knock. I haven't been to a hall for almost 20 years, except for the year my mother was dying and asked if I would come to the memorial. The other day I had an elder stop by and we talked about many things (UN,blood,shunning...). When I asked him to prove to me that the org was the only true religion, he brought up Matt 24:14. He beleives this to be an almost sure sign of who preachs the truth. Is there any other religion that really practices getting their word out? Does this scripture need to be fulfilled?


  • JanH

    Well, if you insist on Christianty being the "true religion" it can be worth considering the fact that almost one third of the world's population are Christians.

    Around one thousandth are JWs.

    How do you think all these people became (somewhat) Christian?

    So the major churches have certainly fulfilled Mt 24:14, there is no doubt about that.

    The rest of us just want those morons to shut up and go away...

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • ISP

    Er...parliament. Funny thing Matt.24.14 has never really been a concern for the WTS. It hasn't stopped them coming up with end dates i.e.1914, 1925, 1975 and others. In the early days it was accepted that Christendom had fulfilled Matt24 and so the end could come in 1925 etc. Later it was fulfilled by them so the end could justifiably come in '75. etc.

    As far as the JWs are concerned Matt24.14 is not something to shout about. For example they have filled the world with false info re. Christ...even from their own standpoint. For example they only changed the 'generation' teaching in 1995. This was a pivotal doctrine and the old teaching was in every book until that time. I would have suspended the preaching work years ago because it only makes it worse if you do not know what you are on about!


  • Farkel

    Obviously, NO one has fulfilled that scripture in any sense of the word. If someone or some group had fulfilled that scripture the "End" would have come. The "End" hasn't come.

    I found it quite ironic with the 1966 release of the "Freedom" book and the later release of the "Truth" book a few years later that the WTS had the unmitigated gall to announce the "end" when any moron could easily find out that the the "Good News" hadn't even TOUCHED most Muslim countries or India and China, the first and second MOST populous countries on this planet. When I brought this up, loyal dubs told me that "Jehovah" (hahahahahahah!) would "somehow" get that "Good News" preached via some sort of mass media.

    It is now 26 years later (an entire generation) and the WTS STILL hasn't touched those countries. And the end hasn't come.

    Talk about pure bullshit: the WTS is so full of it, it reaches to the high heavens.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • nowaytess

    Ok, really it is not Jehova's Witness that fulfill that Scripture but the Christian church.

    In the days of Jesus going house to house was the practical method. Most peopel had their business out of their home, never lived more than 20 miles form where they grew up. Plus hospitality to a stranger was a custom back then, so a preacher would stay and teach a house hold for months.

    Today we don;t live like that. Back then there was No books, TV radio Internet, etc. When Christians use other means to preach the true Gospel of Jesus they really fulfill the scripture, not just Jehovah.'s Witness going from door to door. Can you tell me that house to house was the only method Jesus told us it would get done?

    <A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>

  • VeniceIT

    Well, the Matt 24:14--was fulfilled by the apostles in the first century!!! The 'end' as referred to in the bible meant the 'end of the age' which was until the destruction of 70 CE. So it was fulfilled therefor cannot apply to the JW's since there is NO support of any 2 fold fulfillment's!!! Hence the 'The great tribulation that has never occurred before nor, will ever occur again'!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Carmel

    Actually Fark,

    The "end" and come and gone.

    The end.

  • Farkel


    : In the days of Jesus going house to house was the practical method.

    Prove it. Don't try Acts 20:20, either, unless you really want to take that dare.

    Fact is, Jesus talked to anyone who listened and was good at getting groups together to hear him speak. There is virtually no evidence (that I'm aware of) that Jesus or any of his apostles/disciples evangelized from house-to-house and talked to total strangers using that method.

    btw tess: I appreciate all the good work you have done, and I respect you highly for that.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • Farkel


    : Actually Fark,
    : The "end" and come and gone.
    : The end.

    You mean I missed it? Shit.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • VeniceIT

    Ya and that's not all you missed Farkie!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

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