California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage

by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen
    Maybe it is because gays are given special treatment in regards to religion.

    It's called "separation of church and state". Not everyone cares about the bible.

    They are managing to completely thwart a christian concept of marriage, completely against the wishes of the people, the voters, the church goers, and everyone else involved.

    Against everyone? Or just a few? Who else is involved?

    We on the other hand can barely win a case against a proven destructive cult. Children are molested, blood is refused, people die, homes are wrecked, and yet they still are legally allowed to continue on.

    That's an entirely different topic altogether. Allowing gay marriages isn't hurting anyone. It doesn't destroy anyones life and it makes no difference to you or I if a gay couple are married or not. It does however, make a difference to their lives. Or don't their wishes count? Why does someone who happens to be gay have to settle for a civil union when straight couples can marry (and divorce) whenever they like?

  • Junction-Guy

    IP-SEC, remember it was the democrats who forced those jim crow laws, but they have since disavowed that.

    Brinjen---Why? because bible believing americans say so.

  • IP_SEC
    IP-SEC, remember it was the democrats who forced those jim crow laws, but they have since disavowed that.

    1. Im not a democrat.
    2. Side step the argument why dontcha.
    3. Can you see things from a human point of view rather than a Repub vs Demo point of view?

  • Junction-Guy

    There were many churches who fought slavery, my own denomination included, in fact it has been said that the pre-civil war south, especially the rural areas were the least churched. apples and oranges, I know, but still related.

  • Indo_Dude
    JG wrote: Brinjen---Why? because bible believing americans say so.

    'Bible beating believing Americans' said they thought the biblical Ham, and therefore all black people were a cursed race, and mixed race marriages were sinful. Those American's were wrong then, and the Supreme Court of the United States overturned state law prohibiting mixed race marriages. Just because a majority of Americans believe something, doesn't mean it gives them the right to trample the miniories rights and liberties.

  • Junction-Guy

    1. I thought you were

    2. you kind of side stepped it too when you brought race into the issue.

    3. I have said this all along. This is a human issue I am dealing with. I too am human, I too expect to be treated like a human, but in the gay community I wasn't.

    If I had been treated as bad in the churches as I was in the gay community, I would be the first person here touting gay marriage, and probably would be an Atheist. But I wasn't and therefore the reason for my involvement in this issue.

  • IP_SEC
    you kind of side stepped it too when you brought race into the issue.

    It is the exact same thing.

    I too expect to be treated like a human, but in the gay community I wasn't.

    Like I said, your sour grapes doesnt change anything. Are your views based on how a few people treated you? small.

  • Junction-Guy

    Race is not the same as sexual lifestyle.

    One you are born with, no way to disupte that

    The other is just sketchy at best. genes, nature,nurture,who knows?

    There have been people who have left the JW's over a few people treating them bad, I still support them and don't call them small.

  • brinjen
    If I had been treated as bad in the churches as I was in the gay community, I would be the first person here touting gay marriage, and probably would be an Atheist. But I wasn't and therefore the reason for my involvement in this issue.

    Me me me me me me me me me me.

  • IP_SEC

    Many were not born slaves either JG, but they still could not marry. Allowing them to marry was still an attack on your tradition of marriage. Gays are born citizens, but dont have the right to do something that other born citizens can do? Does that sound equal to you?

    Forming an opinion based on a few variables is small by definition. I didnt say you are small. I've met you. You are very tall compared to me LOL.

    Got to go. Im traveling all day to day. Check back later

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