High Maintenance Kids-anyone else have them?

by milligal 15 Replies latest social family

  • sammielee24

    Nowadays all kids are high maintenance.

    That's the way they are geared.

    This statement struck me as ironic, in regards to another statement that I had heard in the news this past week.

    Food banks in NY I believe it was, were interviewing people and showing the high number of folks that have now turned to them for help. I believe the number was 1/5 and the newcomers are primarily working class people - many of those college educated. As one woman put it - the kids have the latest cell phones and iPods but there is no food on the table at home.

    I think back to the statement Bush made that 'we are a nation of consumers'...we spend, that's what we do. Image is everything - if you look like you have it, then it means you are accepted, the norm. I think back to Oprah's comment that she tried to operate a girls school in the USA but kids weren't interested in education, they were only interested in the latest shoes or phones. Have we as a society become so very shallow that we feel our image is our value? Is it a generational thing instead? Have we raised our kids to believe that they are what they have and created a generation of kids who can't adjust to a time when they have to adjust for need vs want? I just thought the food bank lady's comment was an insightful one - and I have no doubt she was only voicing what she sees as it got me thinking. sammieswife.

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    To all those parents who have kids with problems, I have huge amounts of respect and admiration. Being a mom is a hard job on it's own, but throw a kid with special needs into the mix - well I just dont know if I could do it!

    My aunt is a mom to a son who was born with multiple problems - deafness, heart problems, learning problems, social problems and so many more - Eventually by the time he was in his teens, they found out that he had a syndrome that encompassed all of the problems that he had called Vello Cardio Facial Syndrome. Well to cut a long story short - he is now 24 - she is approaching her 60's and on the verge of breakdown. Take time for yourself and get councilling and support with dealing with the problems you experience,

  • nelly136

    my oldest was majorly hyperactive, but nothing like what you're coping with, you sound like an awesome mum.

  • reniaa

    Hi I feel for you and understand, My first son was born severely disabled and is 10 years old he has multiple problems both physical and mental inc severe epilepsy, mental age that has leveled at 2 years old, I also have a 4 year old and a newborn baby and am a single mum, literatually my life is completely given over to my children.

    Autism is a differcult decease to get diagnosed but once it is there is a lot of info out there about it, I will also say my niece had a learning delays and instead of talking created her own language that only she understood, very few understanble words about the same age as your son she got the help and within a couple of years she was talking normally now she 12 years old and perfectly ok, in fact is top in her school in maths and has been offered early exams, Sometimes for whatever reason kids are delayed on speech but this might just be a hiccup that just needs to be worked through. My sister used to have fun games trying to make speech fun, lots of rhyming and singing.to encourage her.

  • amicus

    I come here unsure of what is appropriate.

    I have 3 older daughters that are...off the charts? Beautiful, smart, motivated err..kind, etc. Their kids are pretty much the same. My grandbabys are mostly martial artists,actually ma, and shooters who never fight. :)

    How does this fit in with our modern fu world...no idea.

    I come here listening to this bs, knowing most of what we read here is garbage and the spewers of the this crap are deluded or "complicit" spewers of garbage.

    My kids aren't high maintenance.

    My kids are our heart.

    I think my kids are just a few of many. We don't hear about them because the wealthy care not for any not of their class.

    Why would the super rich back the poor (middle class?)

    Err, cept if you had to fight my grandson.

  • amicus

    Hi I feel for you and understand, My first son was born severely disabled and is 10 years old he has multiple problems both physical and mental inc severe epilepsy, mental age that has leveled at 2 years old, I also have a 4 year old and a newborn baby and am a single mum, literatually my life is completely given over to my children.

    Autism is a differcult decease to get diagnosed but once it is there is a lot of info out there about it, I will also say my niece had a learning delays and instead of talking created her own language that only she understood, very few understanble words about the same age as your son she got the help and within a couple of years she was talking normally now she 12 years old and perfectly ok, in fact is top in her school in maths and has been offered early exams, Sometimes for whatever reason kids are delayed on speech but this might just be a hiccup that just needs to be worked through. My sister used to have fun games trying to make speech fun, lots of rhyming and singing.to encourage her.

    Could I feel any more like an ass after my last comment? My last GF had a kid that was kinda messed up because she did drugs and booze before she knew she was preg. She had two other kids that didn't have the same excuse. They all were rotten, eventually though I found that the kid who *was messed up* was a better kid than the other rats. Dealing with any of them was hell...but if I really needed the truth the one who was impaired by drugs would eventually cop to it whilst the others just grinned. There are a lot of things I miss about the other kids, but the kid I trust the most and miss the most is the one that was labeled as the bad one.

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