JWs Stopped By Today....

by Monica 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Monica

    A JW couple stopped by my house today. I was typing away on my computer when there was a knock at my door. I turned around and could see a guy in a suit and knew who it was! :o) This is the first visit we've had in the 3.5 yrs we've lived here. (Background about me - I was a JW from the time I was 5 till 19 and our family has been inactive for nearly 14 yrs.)

    I hurried around and made sure my kids were distracted so I could talk to them some. When I opened the door he looked rather startled. He did a nice little greeting and then introduced himself and his wife.

    Then he started with off with Daniel 2:44 and I looked at their bibles but they said "Holy Bible" rather than NWT. So I was wondering if in fact they were JWs. After he read the scripture, I put my hand up and said, "Excuse me. Are you two Jehovah's Witnesses?" and the wife nodded and said that they were. I said, "Oh okay, I thought so. Please continue." (I can't believe I had to ask! LOL!!) I think that surprised them a bit and so then he went on to the next scripture of the Lord's prayer. By the time he started reading it though, I started smiling and by the time he finished reading it, I was trying to cover my smile with my hand. When he finished, he asked if there was something funny about the scripture. I kind of laughed a little and said, "No! I"m really very sorry! Please continue!"

    So then he flipped to another one (I can't remember - I was just trying so hard not to bust up). Then he finished that one and I said, "I'm sorry! But you know what? I'm really very knowledgeable about your beliefs and isn't it true that you believe Armageddon is going to come along soon and a loving and merciful God will wipe out nearly 6 billion people and leave just you Jehovah's Witnesses?"

    He said, "Well actually.... ummmm..... well that's not REALLY what we believe." I raised my eyebrow at him with a big smile and then he fumbled around and read the scripture about how He doesn't want to kill everyone. And I said something like 'yes, that's an interesting scripture, isn't it!'

    Then he talked about how He reads hearts. So I said "absolutely! I believe that too! But Jehovah's Witnesses STILL believe they will be the majority of the ones who survive Armageddon, don't they? Isn't that why you are out here today?"

    Then the wife said, "Have you studied with the Witnesses before?" I said, "Actually I have family that are still members and I'm very knowledgeable about your teachings." The looks on their faces at that point completely changed and both their eyes were very big.

    Then I said, "in fact, I probably know more about your religion than the two of you will ever know." Then the guy's bible closed. And I continued with "I've even read some of the stuff that you two are forbidden to read." I paused because I thought one of them was going to have a heart attack when I said that. Then I said, "If Armageddon does come tomorrow at least I can say that I have looked at BOTH sides." I think the guy was trying to figure out a way to close the conversation, but he didn't say anything so I continued with a concerned "You know - you two should never let anyone tell you what you can and can't read. I pray that someday you two will realize that."

    Unfortunately, I would have had to chase after them or start yelling to tell them about the NGO/DPI stuff. Oh well! Next time I'll be a little more prepared and it will come out quicker!

    They seemed like a nice young couple and I thought the conversation went really well.

    After they walked away, I could see that they were going to walk up to my next door neighbor's house, but it looked like they changed their minds. It was nearing noon, so I must have been their last call of the day.

    I wish I had something more interesting to report. But hey! I was probably their most exciting call of the day, right?

  • wannahelp


    How can the "truth seekers' be afraid of a few words :-)


    The next time shout out at them as they are running away, Hey, what's the problem.. You have the truth.. What are you afraid of?

    If you are an apostate, you should have told them that you were gonna send a letter to the elders saying they greeted you :-)

  • Unclepenn1

    Thanks for the story. I wish you could have played dumb a little bit more (I know hindsight is 20/20) and I wish you could have asked, 'Gee, didn't I hear somethng about you in the news recently?' and then bring up the UN thing and when they try and disregard it, go into great detail about how they have been sleeping with the Beast or something. I always wish I said things after the fact.


    Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
    Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
    Jesus- 'I am the truth'

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    So, you had fun. I was amused. And you would do again, wouldn't you.

    ha ha

  • Prisca

    Thanks Monica for sharing that. Unfortunately most of the JWs in my area know me, so I might not have the chance to do the same, but I think you said exactly what I would like to say to them.

  • Lionel_P_Hartley

    Well done! I've ordered a few back issues of The Tablet in case it happens to me - won't give it to them initially, but will just question them with the hope that they will ask to borrow a copy to investigate further. Slim chance of course - back issues can be had from http://www.thetablet.co.uk


  • Monica

    I just wanted to say that YES I did have fun and YES I'd do it again! It's just too bad it will be at least another six months. It would have been a little more interesting if I would have been more prepared. Since they haven't come by in 3.5 yrs, I didn't think today would be the day!

    Prisca - You have to move!!! That was way too fun!!

    Unclepenn - If I would have played dumb any longer, I would have been rolling on the floor with laughter. However, next time, I'll invite them in! Then they won't be able to leave so fast!! I'll make them sit on the love seat so they'll have to get past me to leave!

    Lionel - thanks for the link. I'll check it out!
    Wanna - LOL at the letter idea!

    I just really tried hard to not get too emotional and riled up, and just tried hard to let them see my nice, cheerful, chipper side.

    I called my husband after they left and he laughed and said, "so, you were easy on them, huh?" Today, I was easy on them! I was in a playful mood today and had some fun. Next time, no telling what they'll get! LOL!!

  • TR

    Hi Monica! Cool visit. Maybe they'll start thinkin'....NAWWWWW!

    I missed a couple at the door last weekend. My wife talked to them.

    Next time I see them at the door, I'm gonna adopt a demented look(not too difficult!) and a demonic voice to address them with.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Monica

    Hi TR!! (long time no talk!) I read about that visit last week. Maybe on their next visit you could wear an outfit that best resembles your new lifestyle! (heehee - just giving you a hard time!)

    You are right though. Not much gets through to them, but it's still fun trying!

  • ChimpGirl

    Well done that lady! I think your comment about not letting anyone tell you what you can and can't read is the sort of thought that can sink in and take hold. You have to keep it simple with them, don't you?

    I had the same experience of grinning madly and having to supress giggles last time I got a couple of oddly dressed ladies brandishing magazines on my doorstep. Managed to get across the point that isn't it great that Jesus came so we could have a direct relationship with God rather than relying on humans to interpret His word for us, and how sinister it is that religions have arisen out of Jesus's simple message and seek to 'interpret' scripture for us, telling us we can't understand it on our own. :-)

    Also said I had a problem with any religion that afforded inferior status to women, when Jesus clearly treated them as equals, and they even headed congregations in the first century. Said I didn't like titles either - vicar, priest, elder, whatever - as we are all equal before God. Tee hee hee. Haven't seen them since, though. Can't imagine why...

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