by berylblue 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Terry
    I've thought about this as well, and I'd rather be a rape victim. At least then the onus would be on me to overcome the pain and I could do it as a free woman

    What a ridiculous thing to say!

    I have experienced the very thing you would "rather be" and I can tell you it is not better than anything!

    You don't become "free" when you are being forcefully manipulated into a bestial act of degrading abuse because it twists you mentally, emotionally and psychologically into a pretzel.

    It never leaves you. Never. Rage lingers for years followed by depression and self-accusation and fragmentation of personality.

    Being falsely accused by somebody is a different world altogether. When you know you are innocent you are above the destructive forces which damage you at the very core of your being.

    I watched an interview with a man recently released from prison who was falsely convicted of rape and who was exonerated by DNA evidence.

    He told of how he repeatedly went before the Parole Hearing Board and was denied parole because he refuse to "confess" and demonstrate he was sorry.

    The interviewer asked him why he didn't go ahead and tell them what they wanted to hear and be freed.

    He replied calmly and simply that "it would be a lie. I knew I was innocent." The man had the benefit of personal integrity. It held him intact.

    Ironically, the DNA evidence would not have been examined IF HE HAD EVER ADMITTED TO THE ACT.

    Please rethink your approach to the Guilt and Innocence rant. It doesn't do your cause any benefit in its current hyperbolic state.

  • 10p
    It doesn't do your cause any benefit in its current hyperbolic state.

    I'm not so sure about this anymore. I think the reasonable people who rationally consider things from all points of view and make a balanced decision after sufficient time to reflect are by far the minority.

    The court of public opinion seems to require a somewhat hysterical approach before it takes any notice. How many balanced and reasonable items do you see on the news?

    I really don't know anymore ... I find I understand my fellow humans less and less each day, and feel more in common with Dr Spock.

    I know two people who were falsely accused of child molestation. At least, there wasn't sufficient proof to actually decide that either of them was a molestor. One hung himself ... after he was imprisoned and cut off from seeing his children and was shunned by everyone he knew. I would probably do the same in the same circumstance. (then again, he may have killed himself from guilt? we will never know) They were all 'wordly' people - I knew through work.

    The second I think was protecting someone else (his teenage son). He was an elder, accused of molesting his step daughter, and managed to convince the JC that it was probably demons ... and got rid of some stuff that was supposedly 'demonized'. The authorities were never notified, and whoever it was got away with it. THen again, it may never have actually happened, and the girl may have made it up. again, we will probably never know.

  • MissingLink

    What? Speak up, I can't hear you.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    What a ridiculous thing to say!

    I have experienced the very thing you would "rather be" and I can tell you it is not better than anything!

    Outstanding post Terry.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    As far as who has it worse--a rape victim or the person falsely accused of rape, I think it all depends on the circumstances. I was raped by my older brother at about age 9 or 10. I despise him to this day. However, I've never been falsely accused of rape. I can't imagine what it would be like to spend time in prison, to be despised unjustly by your family, friends, community--to be placed on a list of offenders, to have this blight for the rest of your life. I think this could actually be worse.

    However, in my circumstance, the abuse did not continue very long. Somehow I had the fortitude to put an end to it and was able to go on as a fairly normal person. I know many young girls (and boys) suffered much more than I. Perhaps I could say either way it could be equally bad.

    I do agree that a person is innocent until proven guilty. I waited far too long to tell anyone what happened to me. Back in the 50's and 60's nice girls didn't talk about things like that. There is no way that I could prove anything now. I tried to get information out of other family members to see if there were similar experiences but didn't get anywhere. So apparently my brother is innocent--I'm the only witness.

  • berylblue

    How do any of you know I have NOT been a rape victim?

  • berylblue

    Have any of you been falsely accused? I expect not. Yet you are assuming I have never been raped. I knew this post would be unpopular; not much chance of changing closed minds, particularly here, where many seem peculiarly predisposed toward believing EVERYONE is guilty. Having left an organization where one is required to blindly believe everything, there are many who continue in this self-limiting mindset. I feel sorry for any who obtuse and lacking in intelligence that they are unable to see the larger picture. It's no way to live your lives. Finally, in conclusion, why don't we throw Kelly Michaels back in prison? How about forgoing due process for rapists? And Terry? Bite me.

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