Look What They are Doing With WT Comments Videos...

by V 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • V

    It is good to know these videos are being put to good use. To download Watchtower Comments videos go here. The files are suitable for TV viewing.

    A PM I received from "Mrs. Smith":

    The presentations are mostly to small bible home groups from the local Methodist Church. We have been attending there for a few years.

    My hubby and I do the presentation together. We discuss basic JW teachings. Personal experience in the cult and we then open for questions.

    In every group we have spoken to there have been people directly affected by JWs through friends and family.

    We ask them not to be rude at the doors as this is seen as persecution but to rather be friendly and polite, but not to listen to their message.

    This time because our presentation was so close after Easter we showed them your
    memorial clip to emphasise the differences between mainstream Christianity and JWs. We spoke about the JWs beliefs on the non-bodily resurection of Christ and the non particaticing of the emblems.

    Most Christains know very little about JWs and find the information sad and shocking.

    We have also been to a Presbyterian Church where we were the guest speakers for the evening service.

    We feel the more people know and spread the information the harder it will be for JWs to get converts.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Way to go, V!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    V - I tell you - your videos are the best I have seen. The short format, the keen talking points, and the subtle humor at times, make them perfect for this use. Please, my apostate brother, never stop making them.


  • BreakingAway

    Excellent ! And just another reason why the WT warns about the evil interent every chance they get.They wanted exposure and to reach everyone, well now the've got it ! JWs, the topic of church conversation.Woohoo !

  • Hope4Others

    That's quite exciting V, And Way to go Mrs.Smith!


  • carla

    Thank you V & friends for all your hard work! Please send along a thanks from me to Mrs. Smith for her education efforts of the public about jw's! Outstanding!

  • momzcrazy

    Round of applause for you V!!!! I have never listened before and boy was I missing out!


  • BabaYaga

    Oh, my god! BRAVO!!!!! That is so awesome, V! Kudos to you and I'm so glad this is getting out there.

  • NewYork44M

    Excellent. Keep up the good work. I thouroughly enjoy the vidios and am glad that the audience has expanded beyond us apostates.

  • Ruth Eeker
    Ruth Eeker


    High Five to you!

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