Film "Worlds Apart," screened in NYC - GO SEE IT

by NYCkid 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • NYCkid

    Hello, just want to highly recommend the Danish film, "Worlds Apart" now being screend at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. This is a MUST SEE!

    The acting is superb and the filmakers represent the Witnesses accurately (to the "T") withoug making them appear fanatic. After all, these are people sincere in their beliefs no matter how absurd. It's a story about finding love and ultimately oneself, and the unfortunate consequences facing those in the JW religion.

    The judicial committee scene places a knot in your stomach, especially if you've had the pleasure of surviving one of these.

    The screenwriter and producer hosted a Q & A aftewards and said that the film is based on the young woman's life and is fairly true to her story. In fact the "real Sara" makes a cameo in the film.

    If you're anywhere in the NYC tri-state area, go, go go, if not, buy the DVD.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    We'll be seeing it on may 4th... come to our meetup...

  • NYCkid

    I want to see it again, I saw you guys were going on that date, but I have a final exam the next morning, I will try though.



  • Gayle

    How can I buy the DVD? Is it for sale already?

  • NYCkid
  • lonelysheep

    This is when I wish I lived just a little closer to the city.

    Have fun!

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Well, just come for the pre-movie meetup then. I think the movie's sold out anyway...


  • JoyNichols

    You can email the film trailer to others. I just emailed it to a couple of relatives who sometimes fail to realize this is a cult. Maybe they will watch it and understand a bit better how much 'fun' I had growing up.

    I think it will be painful to watch it, but I will. It does look like a very good film. Thank you, NYCkid!

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    I saw it in January and it is still running in the cinema here in Scandinavia. The girl the story is based on had a full page report in a large newspaper (danish) last year and many have been to see the movie. Very well portrayed and a difficult one to watch if you have been through something similar.

    I love tha part when her boyfriend confronts the jw view that all except jws will die at the big A. Riverting!

  • JimmyPage

    I saw the trailer and it looks great! Except for the elder with the beard. I WISH that were true. But you know the WT's high standards don't allow for such flagrant misuse of natural God-given facial hair.

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