Are you fluent in Spanish? Can you help?

by Nathan Natas 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I need a translation of the following paragraphs. It is important that I have a translation that really gives the sense of the original, so I am not willing to rely on Babelfish or other automated translators. can you help?

    Comercio con La sangre

    No venden muchas madres la leche que la naturaleza les dió para sus hijos? Por esto no debe admirarnos que haya quienes comercien con su sangre. Después de los descubrimientos de Landsteiner se han formado entidades especiales que proporcionan sangre para las transfusiones necesarias. Sólo pueden permitirse este lujo las personas que pertenecen al grupo O (cero), por ser, como ya dijimos, su sangre inofensiva para todos los humanos. De una estadística vemos que en 1929 véndieron sangre, en los hospitales de los Estados Unidos, 7,000 personas, llamadas en casos urgentes y que salvaron la vida de muchas personas que por una u otra causa habian perdido su propia sangre.

    En Inglaterra hay sociedades cuyos miembros ofrecen gratuitamente su sangre a los que necesitan. Se habla elogiosamente de una sociedad creada en Londres y adherida a la Cruz Roja, cuyos mienbros se presentan en los casos urgentes y ofrecen la sangre necesaria. La mayoría son jóvenes fuertes y sanos, de entidades diversas, que contribuyen asi, en forma realmente generosa, a la salvacion de los enfermos o heridos. No cobran ni un centavo por su contribución, pero la sociedad los conoce y los respeta como lo merecen.

    Thank you.

  • sir82

    A bit clunky, but here is the idea:

    Commerce with blood

    Is it not true that many mothers sell the milk that they naturally produce for their children? Therefore should we not admire those who sell their blood? After the discoveries of Landsteiner, there have been formed special organizations that distribute blood for needed transfusions. This luxury is only allowed for persons in Group 0 (zero), that is, as we have already said, their blood is acceptable for all humans. From one study we see that in 1929, 7000 persons in hospitals in the United States sold their blood in emergency situations and thus saved the lives of many persons, who for one reason or another had lost their own blood.

    In England there are societies whose members who offer their blood to those in need without charge. There is praiseworthy talk of a society begun in London and aligned with the Red Cross, whose members make themselves available in emergency cases and offer needed blood. The majority of those who contribute in this really generous way, for the salvation of the sick and wounded, are healthy and strong youths from diverse backgrounds. They do not ask even a penny for their contribution, but society recognizes and respects them as they deserve.

    I'm going to guess this is a Spanish version of a "Golden Age" article from the 1930's?

  • BurnTheShips

    Good work with the translation.

  • caballoSentado

    My native language is Spanish & I can say that this is a good translation
    Caballo Sentado

  • Invetigator74

    Nathan, do you have a date on that issue?? Bet you won't find any reference to that article in the English version of the GA within the WT Index 1930 -1985.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Sir82 asked,

    I'm going to guess this is a Spanish version of a "Golden Age" article from the 1930's?

    Yes, you are correct, Sir! Unfortunately the machine-translation did not get the same sense as you did, saying "Many mothers don't sell the milk that the nature gave them for their children, do they? For this reason we should not admire those who trade with their blood." Then it goes on to discuss in a positive way people who sold thier blood.

    Is it common for women in Mexico to sell their milk?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Investigator74 asked,

    Nathan, do you have a date on that issue?? Bet you won't find any reference to that article in the English version of the GA within the WT Index 1930 -1985.
    You are right, I have been unable to find that story in any English-language publication of the WTB&TS. The source is LUZ y VERDAD of June 1934, page 91. Light and truth indeed!

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    Por esto no debe admirarnos que haya quienes comercien con su sangre.

    I would translate this:

    "Therefore we are not surprised that some will sell their blood."

    "Admirar" in this context does not mean "admire", but rather "surprise".


  • Narkissos

    More exactly, "we should not be surprised..."

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thank you Sir82, BurnTheShips and Caballo Sentado for giving me the gist of the passage and confirming the translation.

    Thanks A@G and Narkissos for the fine tuning of that important sentence. I just realised that the original Spanish sentence did not have a question mark.

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