Listen! Her blood cries out from the ground!

by Bridgette 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    You're taking a big bite. Who can chew all that? Are there any groups that are working on those problems? Greenpeace? Indymedia? Different groups do different things. This group has its work cut out for it. Maybe you could get into politics. Many of those problems are political.

    Just some suggestions



    Hey Wiz,the world would be a better place if everyone just cleaned up their own yard.This is our yard...OUTLAW

  • Tatiana

    Does anyone know how to go about getting court transcripts from this trial? I'm planning on going if at all possible and I also want to get copies of all the testimonies.

    I want to see if any brothers show up at the trial. Also, who they'll call as witnesses. Any suggestions would be helpful. I've never done it before. I've been IN a trial before (as a victim), and was just given all the transcripts when I asked. If anyone can tell me who I should call or if these records are public, I'd appreciate it.

    Something OUTLAW said on another thread pertaining to this subject...about there being a difference between what the society puts in their articles and what actually happens at the KH...I find that all too true. For 20 years I watched two sets of rules being played out in the two KH's I attended. What was said from the platform, and what was actually practiced. What Bridgette said about this being all too common shows what hypocrites they are.

    When I attend this trial, it will be all I can do not to jump up and scream if I hear someone say they don't condone physical abuse!!!!

    Anyone volunteer to bail me out when I get jailed for contempt??? hehe


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Cassiline

    The title of this thread gave me chills. Bridgett thank you for a well written post concerning this tragic event.

    It has taken me awhile to respond to this thread. Because it hit so close to home as I know it did you as well and many others including those who may not have suffered physical or emotional abuse. The outrageous act itself IS A CRY, IMHO for a change to be made in the JW faith.

    It is true that abuse occurs in every religion but the fact stands that IN THE JW religion you must have 2 witnesses to any allegation made against your "brother." I can only imagine that these children wanted to speak out but were afraid or stifled by the elders. This gives me nightmares. What if the these children had gone to the elders in the past? What if they were turned away as so many are? These thoughts make my blood curdle.

    I know this may sound off but I hope that in the trial (if there is one since they have given statements admitting guilt) it may come out that these children DID ask for help and were turned away. This IMO will show once again the JW belief system is flawed and perhaps changes can occur from there.

    Bill Bowen has given voice to many "silent lambs" and I hope that this will continue until a new message is sent to abuse victims. One that says come to me and I shall indeed protect you and I will assure your safety. NOT, "do you have two witnesses?" Sorry we cant help!

    I am not sure if I am making sense right now as I write this I am very emotional.

    I cry with you and hear you. One of my reasons for responding to this thread was your question about trial transcripts.

    If the case is one to which the general public is granted access (due to it being a murder case I am sure access shall be granted) anyone interested may read the testimony contained in a transcript. If the case is appealed and sent to a higher court there will be times the transcripts will not be available.

    You can call the local court for a transcript when the trial is over or in a transitional stage. Fees will apply April, if you can't go to the court to read the transcripts. At times fees can be as much as 3-4 dollars per page. Transcripts themselves can be hundreds of pages long, especially considering this is a homicide where 2 defendants are being charged.

    Local, State and Federal Rules of Court govern official court reporters and the production of transcripts. Requests for transcription from nonparty individuals will be handled on a case-by-case basis. So I suggest you call the clerk of the court to find out what laws apply in that state, as all states vary.

    Hugs to you......


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Tatiana

    Thank you, Cami. This is the information I needed. I don't know if there will be a trial, but if there is, I'll be there.

    I'll try to get the transcripts, and post what I find.

    As to what you said about the kids going to the elders, I know that when I got older I called a meeting with them concerning my mother and how she was treating not only my sister, but my grandmother (very abusive and disrespectful). They nodded their heads and pretended to listen, and promptly went and told my mother everything I said. Nothing was ever done. My mother's sister, who is not a JW, listened to me, though. She removed my grandmother from that situation and took her back to Maine. For the last five years of her life, she was happy. Unfortunately, it was too late for my sister.

    Hugs to you, {{{{{{Cami}}}}}}}.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

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