Around what age do most Witnesses leave the organization?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • free2beme

    I would say it works like this ...

    10-14 years (baptized to make parents happy)

    14-16 years (Hormones and questions kick in)

    17-18 years (Married or disfellowshiped ... or both)

    18-20 years (Divorced or going to college and exited completely)

    So I would say, most between ages 18-20 ... although some come back for a breif time in their mid-twenties and leave again by 30.

  • Quirky1

    It all depends on the individual and how fast their awakening process works. Some will never be affected and will continue with their mundane lives.

    Dogpatch posted a nice thread ealier. You might read it. It details some of the reasons why some members will not or cannot ever leave the cult/sect.

    I cannot remeber the name of it but is there.


  • Quirky1

    Here it is....

    Why the bookstudy change won't affect as much as you think, tho big!


  • greendawn

    Mostly in their late teens and early twenties people that grew up among the dubs, I suppose they realised that this org has nothing good to offer having lived it intimately for years, so they get out so as not to waste more years to no avail.

    The WTS is obviously a badly outdated concept that failed to develop with the times, it's like a food product in the shops that carries the same label and ingredients for over 100 years long after people's tastes changed.

    Fortunately they don't have the ability to change with the times.

  • blondie

    Counting baptized and unbaptized children of jws; they tend to leave, get in trouble, or drfit between 18 and 25. When we stopped going, out of 15 teenagers, only 2 were still there, and now 1 more is gone. Some try a comeback when they have children, but in a year or so they are gone again, only to resurface at the memorial once a year.

  • Carmel

    I left mentally at age 12, but it took nearly three years to physically separate from family et al. I never met anyone who had the good fortune that I had to escape that early. Honestly, I credit my early exit for my success in ridding myself of a lot of baggage fairly quickly. Still have lingering traces of patterns of thought and behavior that upon reflection were engrained during the formative years before my escape.


  • S3RAPH1M

    I'm 23 currently, and I've escaped the Watchtower Society, a.k.a the borg, the drones, the clones, the go along to get along crowd, the conformists, the dictators, the corporate controllers, the spiritual monopolists, the blood guilty ones.

  • Quirky1

    Good for you S3!

    Welcome to the board!


  • S3RAPH1M

    Thank you Q! I just hope other young ones escape with an internalized value system, or they will implode or explode with their morality.

  • MissingLink

    37 for me. I think it was kind of a mid-life crisis thing - re-evaluating my life and making sure to do the right thing for my kids. I think if you make it into the 20s with a good social structure it can be very hard at that point. And also hard for older ones who wouldn't feel able to make new friends.

    15-20 and 30-50 seem the best times to leave

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