If you were the deity, would you demand to be showered with gutted animals?

by easyreader1970 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    I have always been a bit confused by this. I can understand why a deity would want and demand respect. I can similarly understand why a deity would want and demand loyalty. I can understand why a deity would want and demand obedience. These are things that we, as humans, can easily understand, especially if you have children.

    What I don't understand is the deity's desire and demand to be worshipped. Why would he need for his creations to make sacrifices to him and to sing praises to him and to tell him what a wonderful father he is? I appreciate it when my kids tell me that they love me but I could never envision myself telling them that every Wednesday I demand that they sing praises to me. I would hope that they would shower me with adoration because they wanted to, not because I told them to or I would set them all on fire. There are ways that my own children can show that they love me without their bowing down and kissing my hand as they walked through the front door in some sort of ritual.

  • DT

    I'm sure that being a deity can be a real emotional challenge. It must be hard to face eternity without friends who are equals. Perhaps watching lesser creatures engage in bizarre rituals of worship can provide some temporary amusement. He seems to have grown tired of animal sacrifice by now. I'm guessing that he now finds it entertaining to watch people try to hold on to their religious beliefs despite a large quantity of conflicting evidence.

  • maximumtool

    You really hit the nail on the head there...

    For me it was always a real "stumbling block" whenever I took a good, honest and candid look at our supposed "God of love".

    I too was always personally bothered by the notion of animal sacrifices in particular. What possible sense of balanced justice would demand that one of God's creations, humans, slaughter another completely innocent creation, the animals, to pay for the humans sins and mistakes?

    It absolutely defies reason.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    Play SimCity for a while. You can learn to do really mean things to those synthetic citizens. Really who doesn't love a good offal shower?

    I'm right there with you on this. It defies logic. Good points.

    -- Not Eviscerating It

  • 5go

    Heck with animals every time a god asks you to kill someone it is a human sacrifice. So why was Israel any better the it's neighbors? Oh because it was for law breaking like picking up sticks on the wrong day that's the non-difference between them.

  • snowbird

    When's the last time either of you wolfed down a juicy T-bone or ribeye steak?

    Were you envisioning the eviscerating while doing so?


  • daystar
    What I don't understand is the deity's desire and demand to be worshipped. Why would he need for his creations to make sacrifices to him and to sing praises to him and to tell him what a wonderful father he is?

    It seems to me to be more accurate to say that mankind seems to need to serve some "superior being", rather than that any diety demands to be workshipped.

  • changeling

    The concept of worship is one of the things that convinced me that there is no such creature as "god". Only a narcissistic, megalomaniac would demand worship. Especially if the refusal to worship (or the failure to worship "the right way") brought about eternal damnation or destruction. And then for such a demanding creature to call himself loving and merciful, well, that's just to big an oxymoron for me to go along with.

    In the event that such a creature does indeed exist and behave in the way we were taught, I hereby declare: I refuse to worship his selfish, egotistical self. I'd rather be literally "damned" then to bow down to a monster.


  • Finally-Free

    I can't imagine a desire to be "worshipped". I don't even feel comfortable at parties thrown for me, as I don't like being the center of attention.

    I do accept sacrifices of venison sausages though.


  • wings
    I can't imagine a desire to be "worshipped".

    Neither can I, but if I could be invisible it might be fun.

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