Should People Be Disfellowshipped?

by Frenchy 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I concur,

    Petty is almost assuredly correct.


  • ianao

    nytelcom1 "Smirked":

    boil in oil....nope....that would kill them...and we will
    leave that to Jehovah when Armageddon time comes around...(not that
    ALL df'd people will die at armageddon)
    LOL. Not if Allah has anything to say about it. You dishonor him every day you do not pray to him.

    next nytelcom1 "Retaliated":

    we always need jesus and why do you feel he stinks???
    Double LOL. You need your mediator, but you don't need your organization, right? Oh whoops! You don't need your mediator because it's mediating your organization right? It's one of those relative things right? Either way you answer to men, right, since Jesus doesn't have your ear? Oh, wait, maybe you are one who posts here because you "partook" and are now an outcast at your hall, right?

    Oh, just a side note, I'm glad you need "jesus" so much. I'm sure that the "Society" appreciates that very much.

    Finally nytelcom1 "Pondered":

    p.s..what the hell is peeped
    Tape yourself saying the nonsense you write on this board sometime and play it back to yourself in a quiet room. You will know exactly what "peeped" is.

    Have a nice day.

  • nytelecom1

    jehvoah vs. allah anyday

    .......You don't need your mediator
    ........I'm glad you need "jesus" so much
    which is it......typical

    ..pondered. have waaaaaaaayy to much time on your hands

  • VeniceIT

    Well many that have been df'd have never done anything immoral or unscriptural!!!! where's the LOVE????


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • mommy

    Amen Vennie

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • ianao

    nytelecom1 "Mused":

    jehvoah vs. allah anyday
    Uh oh! Don't let Osama hear you say that, he'll crash a plain into your complex!

    further nytelecom1 "Trolled":

    which is it......typical
    Congratulations nytelco, you have managed to make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Your true 'dubbness shines through, even down to your satanic picture and porn-site home page. What a fine uplifting example of a true Christian you really are.

    lastly nytelecom1 "Belched":

    ..pondered. have waaaaaaaayy to much time on your hands

    Interesting ASSesment coming from a not so interesting ASSociate.
  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    There are many aspects to the disfellowshipping practice, such as; legal issues, moral issues, biblical interpretational issues, wellness and mental-health issues, psychological issues, and familial issues.

    What I have found to be a common thread that seems to transcend all of the issues is that of cognizance. Whatever aspect of disfellowshipping you choose to argue/consider, one important ingredient is whether or not individuals are cognizant of the practice, their implied consent/submission to this practice as part of their membership. Once that is settled, then it becomes a matter of consequences and ramifications.

    Although I was encouraged to study the OM publiciation as thoroughly as possible, I don't think I ever really understood the depth and severity of the congregation judicial process, or it's local/global scope.

    I don't think my comprehension lasted long enough for me to always consider the long-term effects of any possible actions taken against me whenever I faced crucial decisions.

    But, if for sake of argument, a person understands the procedures and is a well-balanced competent reasoning adult, and is still confident and comfortable with the policy, then if that same person becomes the subject of inquiry and is disfellowshipped, it is just.

    If a person is not fully aware (studies knowledge book, baptized in 6 months, carrying microphones, giving talks, pioneering, busy busy busy)and is disfellowshipped and becomes lethargic, apathetic, overreached, then it is a harmful thing.

    Each individual case is different. It begins with one's understanding of what they think being a JW means for them in every possible aspect mentioned above.

  • mommy

    Okay boys...want a vote on who's is bigger? Or can we get back on topic?

    You are ranked right up there with Fred hall for being able to take any serious subject into the john with you. I don't understand why so many fall prey to your baiting.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • ianao

    Mommy "Objected":

    Okay boys...want a vote on who's is bigger? Or can we get back on topic?
    You could have actually stayed on topic yourself if you had not bothered to respond to our "fun".

    Further Mommy "Spake":

    You are ranked right up there with Fred hall for being able to take any serious subject into the john with you.
    I don't understand why so many fall prey to your baiting.
    Well put Wendy. Translation:

    "Nytel you have nothing of signifigance to add to the discussion and your posts are generally one with the waste of toilets. Ianao, you are being stupid for taking the bait."

    One could make a similar observation (from the other point of view) to your disruption of our little "spat" Wendy. But I understand. When nytelecom1 stops his stupidiy, I will cease my own.

    (There is the distinct possibility (as an alternative) of Simon deactivating both of our accounts, which may kill two birds with one stone.)

    Finally Mommy "Signed":

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins
    I disagree. "Blind faith" cannot seem to justify itsself
  • nytelecom1
    nytelecom1 you antis just get along???

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