WT library on CD

by Stealth 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    Gopher is correct. The Society restricts distribution of the WT CDROM largely as a matter of control. It is an official rule, published in Kingdom Ministry, that Watchtower Library is for internal use. Any person can walk in off the street to pick up "regular" literature at the literature counter in the Brooklyn Bethel Furman Street facility. However, to get the WT CDROM you have to show a "blood card". Same goes for the Proclaimers book and the bound volumes. Congregations are officially supposed to restrict distribution of such literature. However, individual JWs can override the official policy if they feel that an "interested person" will use such material "properly". Experience shows that individual JWs will also try to prevent those who they feel will "misuse" such material from getting it.


  • outnfree


    My gut reaction is that the elders don't know exactly where you stand and so want the opportunity to explore the reasons for your inactivity before they allow you to have the precious CD-ROM.

    If you are willing to subject yourself to a meeting with them (a possible pre-judicial committee sort of meeting) and can convince them that you've been having doubts and need the WT LIBRARY CD-ROM for personal study to build yourself up again, you may get your hands on one.

    Alan's observation:

    Congregations are officially supposed to restrict distribution of such literature. ... Experience shows that individual JWs will also try to prevent those who they feel will "misuse" such material from getting it.
    gave me pause. In the several months that I had emotionally disconnected I ordered my usual bound volumes and the latest CD-ROM. While the BVs were eventually "delivered" I never did get my hands on a CD-ROM. Never realizing that my slowing down in service and meeting attendance may have prevented the literature counter servant from being allowed to give it to me. (And the excuses were unconvincing, too, making the servant uncomfortable, I could tell that much, at least.)

    Call me naive! -- Wouldn't be the first time!

    Please let us know how you decide to handle this, Stealth.


    In dealing with fear, the way out is in -- Sheldon Kopp

  • TR
    pls. pay no attention to Gopher's opinion on this, as he is trying to mind-read other persons, regretfullt to no avail.

    Nice try, Hippie, but do try again. This time offer at least some sort of explanation.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • blondie

    Stealth, did you talk to them then about why they wouldn't order it? It sounds like they offered that. Of course, I don't know them if that was just words with no intent of following through. Don't let them intimidate you. Make them face you and put it in words. Ask what you would have to do to qualify for one. Call their bluff. I'm sure they are hoping you will forget the whole thing making the situation easy for them.

    I would suggest that you offer to pay what the going rate is for similar CDs, encyclopedia e.g. Considering there are 50 years of WT volumes, 30 of the Awake, the KMs back to 1970, as well as the Insight volumes, and Proclaimers book, besides books, brochures, pamphlets offering $50-75 would not be bad. Don't want to insult the brothers by quibbling about the "donation." Technically, no one is supposed to know if and how much you donate, but if you want it and that is a stipulation, I would do it.

  • Stealth

    Hi blondie,

    Just to clarify, I ordered it months ago, and they did order it for me. Now that it has come in several months later they are holding it.

    Right now I am having trouble finding out who to talk to who knows who even has it. Once I find who the go to guy is, then I will ask him directly for it and we will see what he says.

    thanks for the ideas all, I will let you know what the reason is, once I get the facts.


  • lanny

    I can get you a copy.
    Give me your name and adress and I send you a copy for only 20 dollar for shipping and handling

  • ballistic

    lanny I want a copy too, but it has to be the latest as the older copies don't work on win XP. WHich version do you have?

  • lanny

    As far as I know it is the latest
    I have only been suspended for about nine months
    If it works on xp I don´t know
    I only have 98

  • ballistic

    on this subject, why does the society not put out publications into the public domain? This information is supposed to save lives, is prophesised in the revelations none the less.
    They now have this great new medium of the internet to disseminate it.
    THey "place" so much emphasis on the number of sales of each book, but what about the number of readers they could achieve?

  • ISP

    I got my copy......from a buddy who burned one of. I did have it on order for ages and it just never came.


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