WT library on CD

by Stealth 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth

    Is there a written or unwritten rule about who can or can't order a WT LIB CD in the congregation?

    I ordered one several months back, and went to pick it up this week. The Bro at the lit. counter told me the elders had it and I would have to talk to them about getting it.

    Just wondering if there is some sort of rule about who can have one and what I might expect when I ask the elders for it.

    I am not DF or DA but have not reported service time for about 5 months.

  • TheOldHippie

    No "rules", my friend - the only limitation is that they are delivered "one and one" according to individual orders, that is they are not kept in stock in each congregation.

  • Stealth

    So if there are no stated rules, I don't know why they are holding it back.

    The only thing that I can think of is that they might say that only publishers can have it just like the kingdom ministries. And since I am inactive I am not a publisher.

    If this is what they do, does anyone have any suggestions on how I can respond or chalenge them on it?

    Thanks, stealth

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Although inactive for more than two years, when I finally stomach an appearance, I always visit the counter to pick up anything I may have ordered, and to also order new items.

    In my assigned congregation, I am known as a difficult to reach person. I am known as a very private person, unavailable and rejecting attempts to socialize.

    I guess if the servants and elders "feel" comfortable with exercising some measure of authority with you, they probably will. It depends on your reputation, your demeanor and poise in public and your determination.

  • Gopher

    Sorry, I have no suggestions about how to pry any literature (or anything else) loose from your local Taliban, er, body of elders. They're pretty much in charge!

    Reasons? $$$ or control. They might fear that an inactive individual wouldn't properly appreciate the literature (or software in this case) and therefore wouldn't donate to the "worldwide preaching" fund. Or, control: a person like you isn't "spiritual" enough to benefit from the fine spiritual food (ahem) provided on the CD. So therefore, you don't get one! (My guesses, but be warned, I am a terrible mind-reader.)

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • TheOldHippie

    pls. pay no attention to Gopher's opinion on this, as he is trying to mind-read other persons, regretfullt to no avail.

  • Stealth

    Well at this point I don't have any idea why they have intercepted my order and holding it.

    Until I talk to them I can only speculate on why they might have done this. So any ideas of why are helpfull so I can be prepared for how to respond depending on what they are thinking.

    If it is a $$ issue I will offer to contibute for it. A CD has got to be much cheaper to produce than the paper BV of the WT and Awake.

    If it is a your not good enough issue I think that I might have a problem with that and I would be quite shoked if they would come out and say that. Do we now have to be at a certain spiritual level before we can take in spirtual food to build us up. Thats a catch 22.

    Thanks for the ideas, the more the better. I will find out the real reason soon enough.


  • OhHappyDay

    a similar thing happened with me...
    I never got any explanation, but everytime O showed up to pick my order they excused saying:

    Ooops, you did not came for so long that we gave it to someone who needed it urgently.

    I told them: that's it! I have friend all over the world working at bethel, and for now on I 'll have my stuff sooner than u in an non-official way.

    Later I proofed them that I was able to do so.


    Happy Day!!

  • Norm

    Hi OldHippie,

    You said:

    pls. pay no attention to Gopher's opinion on this, as he is trying to mind-read other persons, regretfullt to no avail.
    Are you saying it is easy to get a WT Library CD? If so could you get me one? I will never get one from the local cong or from 1914 Ytre E. I am denied a subscription of the WT and Awake! too. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and get me a subscription and a CD? If not, you are at least as bad a "mind reader" as Gopher.

    I am waiting.


  • GermanXJW

    The reason is that you can easily collect silly quotes from WT-literature. This should not be too easy available for people not loyal to the WTS.

    If you are are inactive but giving talks in the TMS you can maybe argue that you want to prepare with the CD-ROM.

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