Any Former Elders?

by ItsJustMe 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • GinnyTosken


    Thanks for the information. How long is the period from the time literature begins being printed and edits are stopped until Jehovah's Witnesses actually see it?

    I'm wondering how much lead time the Society has to react to specific issues in the news. Months? Weeks?


    I agree that many disfellowshipped people still believe. I was sure it was "the truth" for at least nine years after I was disfellowshipped. I was also convinced that I was flawed, weak, wicked, and worthy of destruction. I did not feel that I could even pray. This is why this issue is an especially sensitive one for me.


    I'm happy for you that you are free from man-made philosophy and the "wonder book." I think there are others who read the board who cannot make the leap directly from the JW mindset to where you stand. Sometimes an incremental approach helps, speaking the language with which they're familiar.


  • DannyBear

    Hello Ginny,

    It has been awhile since we last talked.

    I agree with you completely. My commentary was more of a crystalizing of my most current beliefs. Or an effort at trying to express them.

    What puzzels me often, is to read comments from those who have left the org, still justifying df'ing and the resultant shunning by the WTBS or even other religious bodies. They even go so far as to catagorize individuals on this board, as immoral or suggest that those involved in sexual misconduct, lying, cheating, whatever, got what they deserved, in other words upholding the whole idea of disfellowshiping.

    I cannot stomach these self righteous bastards anymore. What they seem to forget is, if someone has committed a crime, or violated a law, be it physical (abuse, pedophilia,murder etc)or violation of family law, crimes against the state (most all other crime), then there is a provision to handel them. Police and the court's.

    Turning over any of these decisions to a tribunal of religious zealots, make no sense to me anymore. It simple ends up creating the enviroment jw's now face, with the whole pedophilia debacle.

    I guess that is why most governments appreciate the need to seperate church and state. Without this seperation, we revert to the old witch hunts, allowing self-appointed 'holy' men to exact judgement, or pass condemnation, based on only the presumption that God is backing their decisions. I would much rather put my fate into the hands of 12/6/1 of my peer's in a secular court of law, in comparison with 3 bible thumping, overzealous, pompus ass, 'appointed elder's'.

    In other words the WTBS and every other religious body, should get the hell out of peoples personal lives. Preach their message of love or hate, but don't pass judgement on me....I will no longer respect or condone their right to do so. They don't have it, period.


  • Farkel


    : This is a bit off topic, but I wonder if you or anyone else knows . . . How far in advance are The Watchtower and Awake! magazines written and printed? How much time do the guys at Brooklyn have to "stop the presses" if they change their mind on an issue and want to either edit or suppress an article?

    It takes 7 months for a written article to appear in the WT magazine, and only on a few occassions have articles made it into print in 3 months. This is so, because of the dozens and dozens of languages the articles must be translated into and then proofread.

    My source for this information is someone who was part of that whole process for a long time, and is a former DO and CO. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.

    For "emergency" fire-fighting, the Society uses letters to the elder bodies, or COs to relay information.



    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • mommy

    This thread is very interesting, thank you all for contributing. I have been in many JC meetings, not all for wrong doing but mostly for wrong thinking. I have never been reproved, or DF though. I think the whole idea is absurd anyway. How can a person tell me that they can read my heart?

    One meeting in particular there was a new elder sitting in for his first time. Poor guy looked so scared, and nervous. I think this is when it hit me that these guys are just imperfect men, who really have no idea what they are doing. It was kinda funny because I ended up trying to make him feel comfortable!

    As many others have commented already, some are not able to express themselves as well as others. I believe Waiting commented her daughter went into shell shock, and was very silent during her meeting, the elders took this for unrepentance.

    Roybatty I wonder if I know you! My best friend was 16 and disfellowshipped for smoking. She was also a very quiet person and very shy. It was hard for her to open up to me, so I can only imagine how she reacted in a JC. Poor girl, I remember her walking to meetings when she didn't have a ride from her mom. She was later reinstated, but since then has been out and happy for a few years now.

    I have always spoken to ones who have been DF, I opened doors for them, shared my mags or books with them, and greeted them. I cannot stand the thought of shunning, and can't fathom that this helps anyone! Of course this was the subject of one of my JC meetings

    Old Hippie,
    So this "other" new light will be coming out in another edition of QFR? I can't wait to see what it is.


    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Nat

    I've really enjoyed this topic!!! I just had to share a poem that I wrote awhile back!!! I write alot of poetry in my spare time.

    HoWith long boring talks
    And straight back chairs
    I would fall asleep
    Or pull out my hair

    With their bibles in hand
    I could not believe
    Clones as far as
    The eyes could see

    Remember work detail
    Serving the watchtower
    But at least it got you away
    From sitting for hours

    But during lunch
    The halls we would roam
    Looking for a mate
    We could call our own

    The elders with power
    In their eyes
    For they were legends
    In their own mind

    And the sisters
    Walking 3 feet behind
    Waiting to kiss ass
    Just for the right sign

    When the talks got too long
    It was time to sneak out
    Take a drive for a drink
    Or to make out!

    Gosh, I miss those days
    Elders meetings and such
    Clicks and back-stabbers
    Our own minds turning to mush

    Being called freaks
    And never fitting in
    Odd balls at school
    Wishing only to blend

    I'd be lying
    If I said
    I wasn't just alittle
    Unscaved in the head ! =;o)
    pe you enjoy! =;o)

  • Nat

    Somehow when I *copy/paste* that last post, I screwed it up! sorry!

    Here it is again......and please excuse my first post! =:o)

    With long boring talks
    And straight back chairs
    I would fall asleep
    Or pull out my hair

    With their bibles in hand
    I could not believe
    Clones as far as
    The eyes could see

    Remember work detail
    Serving the watchtower
    But at least it got you away
    From sitting for hours

    But during lunch
    The halls we would roam
    Looking for a mate
    We could call our own

    The elders with power
    In their eyes
    For they were legends
    In their own mind

    And the sisters
    Walking 3 feet behind
    Waiting to kiss ass
    Just for the right sign

    When the talks got too long
    It was time to sneak out
    Take a drive for a drink
    Or to make out!

    Gosh, I miss those days
    Elders meetings and such
    Clicks and back-stabbers
    Our own minds turning to mush

    Being called freaks
    And never fitting in
    Odd balls at school
    Wishing only to blend

    I'd be lying
    If I said
    I wasn't just alittle
    Unscaved in the head ! =;o)

  • JT

    I JUST wanted to thank everyone for the excellent post on this issue

    you guys and gals are on the money
    i have shared this post with some NONJW today
    to help them get a better idea and understanding of how the INNER WORKING ACTUALLY WORK

  • Nat

    I agree JT!!! Don't ya just love this site!!! The internet saved my life!!!

    How did you guys like my poem!!!! I hope I didn't step on any toes! I used to be one of those clones, that walked 3 feet behind!!! Long story, but NO more!!! =;o)

    I'm glad that we ALL got out!!! This place has been my safe haven and it set me free!!!

    Peace! =;o)

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,
    As a former elder, I have no problem with elders who are short on formal education, AS LONG AS they are long on (1) compassion; (2) common sense; (3) an awareness of their limitations.

    With regard to the third point, I mean that they need to recognize whenever they're in over their heads; i.e. complex personality/emotional/mental problems, complex or delicate family problems. That's the time for them to admit their limitations and refer the afflicted to professional assistance.

    Apart from the overall lack of qualfied people, the system is the fundamentally flawed: too much authority, too many layers of authority, too many dullards only to happy to wield it; and no autonomy for the locals.

    As presently constituted, the only thing the elders excel at is making a bad situation worse.

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