Any Former Elders?

by ItsJustMe 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustMe

    Would any former elders like to share their experiences serving on judicial committees? Were your decisions subjective? Do you feel that the "system" works? I know many people who have walked away from the organization, not because they were DF'd, but because they felt disfellowshipping was very subjective. They would see some of their friends get DF'd for a certain wrongdoing, and then someone else who did the same thing would only get a private reproof.

    I obviously can't ask this to any current elders so thought I'd try you.

  • nytelecom1

    let me guess what the responses will be like.....ummm..

  • Fredhall


    It sound like somone recently been in the back room.

  • Undecided


    When I was PO I had only a couple of committee meetings. One resulted in a DF for adultery the other was a sister who's husband(non JW) had used a light bulb for a sex toy and it broke and she went to the hospital to remove the broken glass. I guess she was confessing, I considered it her private business how she had sex with her husband and we just gave her our sympothy for the accident. No more was said about it. This was back in the 60s.

    Ken P.

  • JT

    In my opinion, almost everyone i knew including myself tried to be the best elder possible-

    the problem is simple

    you are asking men who are unqualified to do a job

    most elders are not qualified even myself with just a high school diploma

    were not in any position to be offering advice that COULD NOT BE REJECTED ON ISSUES that were life and death, stocks, employment, whether one should have kids, go to college, and the list goes on and on

    Elders are told that they get the best training on the earth since it is thru the FDS, constantly telling a man that he is serving due to being appointed by God is very powerful, when you consider that more than likely he is a flunky at work on his job-

    when you consider the quality of elders in 3rd world countries it is truly sad

    i think back to each year in Jan when i was the SEC i had the blood card part- (ok Medical Directive) anyway i recall all those big medical words that i had no damn idea as to what they were and i used to tell my wife- Here i am a half way smart guy and i can't understand this stuff, what in the hell is some black bro in Miss, GA, Alabama, with a 7th grade education going to do if some pub ask him bro so and so can we take Humoglobin invertro proteins- smile

    my point is simply wt takes men who are good men and puts them into a SYSTEM knowing full well they can't do the job

    then they force the congo and esp sister to submit to some fool

    case in point-- in my hall we had these 2 fleshly sisters one was a Dr and the other was working on her PHD. i recall the Dr brought a fellow female Dr to the bookstudy that she attened- she called me right after the bookstudy-

    what happened was the conductor and his assistance could not make it. So another bro some old fool who was BAPTIZED AND A MS had to conduct- well since there were no other bro he conducted and read

    well he is not to well educated and the reading and conducting was embaraassing- well the point is this sister brought this fellow female dr who sat there at a church meeting and saw an unqualified man in charge and NO SISTER COULD QUESTION HIM

    this happens all the time as you move around the earth to differen countries, but as long as he meets his monthly hour quota he is still good to go

    my wife hated the org esp the way sister get shafted

    one co use to stop sister at the conventions and give them a safety pin to close thier slits in their dresses

    i recall this one black "SISTA" this was a white CO - not to dog my boy , but he didn't fully appreicate black culture despite being a jw she WENT OFF ON HIS A$$

    I was stand a few feet away with a couple of guys who had come down from bethel when the CO made move---mistake__

    he call the sister over at the District convention to cousel her n her dress and give her a safety pin


    we were on the floor =-- we knew the CO was always crossing the line and this sister Jacked him UP

    it wa so funny- but the point is HE FELT FREE TO TELL HER

    after awhile the elder job can go to ones head- real elders who love the bro will leave the org- you see you realize that you can't support a system that beats your bros

    that is why i left and so many others

    ck this out

    we spent over 35min in elders school discussing the DIFFERENCE between "Momentarly touching a sisters BREAST" AND "Caressing her Breast"

    and depending on the which one you are accused of there are different penlties for each one

    in the Flock book which is the most important wt book and elder carries next to the bible- in the index there is no subject Called LOVE-

    YET THERE ARE pages and pages on how to properly DF someone and keep the WT from being libel for the errors that the elders make in the case-

    how sad

    so while i do agree elders can be some mean SOB- in my view the SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM --

    consider when your tell a man that GOD APPOINTED YOU that is some powerful stuff and then everyone must believe it

    most jw firmly believe that the elders are appointed by god and if they are bad, mistreat the friends YOU MUST TAKE IT TILL JAH CLEANS IT OUT

    SO YOU could end up spending 45yrs being treated like shit by an elder while you are patiently waiting for god to clean things up

    recall DAvid waited on God to take care of Saul--and it is due to twisting the bible in such a manner that the avg jw will humble himself and keep quiet

    i have always FELT BAD FOR THE SISTERS- MY WIFE use to help me out so much to understand the problems that females in the org have

    most sister are not viewed as being bright, smart or having brains

    jezubel is the favorite word for most outspoken strong sisters

    how sad

    well just my 2

    could not make it so

  • radar


    I have served on several judicial commitees.

    The emphasis seemed to favour keeping the congregation/organization free from "Leaven" rather than showing mercy.
    Discerning elders would see that this was the spirit they lay behind the Pay Attention book.


    All that we see or seem/ Is but a dream within a dream.

    -Edgar Allen Poe

  • metatron

    The elder arrangement is filled with corruption. It's really
    sad because there was a lot of hope when it started back in
    the 70's. There was a sense of egalitarianism about it and
    it looked like there would be solid emphasis on building
    Christian principles in congregations.

    Well, that dream died - it degenerated into unyielding
    emphasis on hours in service and upholding cult rules.
    Bodies of elders are mostly "good old boys" who cover
    each other's asses. You can get away with just about
    anything if the rest of the body wants to overlook it.
    - and the Society goes along with the mess because they're
    losing servants. You have to laugh when they publish letters
    FORBIDDING elders from resigning! You have to get permission
    to quit, first.


  • ItsJustMe

    Metatron, I don't understand your comment regarding "You have to laugh when they publish letters FORBIDDING elders from resigning! You have to get permission to quit, first." What do you mean?

  • roybatty

    I was only an elder for 4 years so I didn't sit on a lot of committees but i had my share. I leaned more toward not df'ing people. Let's see, here are the ones I can recall..

    Once was involved with df'ing a 16 year old for smoking. Jeez, makes me sick that I was involed with that.

    A whole bunch of sex jc. Most of them were JWs who were not scriptually divored but who had done the horizontal dance with someone.Most of those weren't df'd.

    And of course there were a few just wild sex ones. Mostly single sisters, going out and jumping in bed. Was torture sitting there listening to the older elders as detail questions "how many times, where at...blah.."

    Does df'g work? I guess you have to ask, for what purpose. I think it's very cruel and was one reason why I stepped down and left. But it is a VERY effective weapon that the Society has for keeping the rank and file in line.

    My advice to any JW, do not ever meet with a JC.

  • LittleToe

    My old man had the view that you give the benefit of the doubt.
    The idea being that if they were unrepentant then they would probably repeat offend.
    Seemed like good advise, to me, but few follow it.

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