'Population Bomb' fizzles

by Satanus 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Some will remember the 1960's wt & awake doom prophecies. One of them was that the world was simply getting too crowded for civilization to survive. The following report shows that taiwan and bangladesh are the two most densly populated countries in the world. Is chaos reigning there?? Of course not. Also, canada is a bigger country than the us, haw.


    Taiwan's Population Density
    Second-Highest In World

    TAIPEI (Asia Pulse) - Taiwan has emerged as the world's second-most populous country in terms of population density, behind only Bangladesh, an official from the Ministry of the Interior [MOI] said Tuesday.

    As of June, Taiwan's population totaled 22,275,660, with the density reaching 619 persons per square kilometer, the official quoted MOI-compiled statistics as saying.

    The official also cited the 2001 World Population Data Sheet prepared by the U.S. Population Reference Bureau as showing that Bangladesh's population density has reached 927.09 persons per square kilometer, ranking first among countries or areas with populations of more than 10 million.

    Following Bangladesh, according to the U.S. data, are Taiwan (616.37 persons per square kilometer), South Korea (497.64 persons per square kilometer), the Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Britain.

    Mainland China was ranked 18th, with a population density of 133.76 persons per square kilometer, but the total number of its population has reached 1,280,600,000, the highest in the world, followed by India, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Bangladesh, Japan and Nigeria.

    Meanwhile, the Russian Federation's land area totals 17,075,335 square kilometers, making it the largest country in geographic terms, followed by Canada (9,970,607 square kilometers), the United States (9,629,054 square kilometers), mainland China (9,573,952 square kilometers), Brazil (8,547,366 square kilometers), Australia (7,741,190 square kilometers), India (3,287,578 square kilometers), Argentina, Kazakhstan and Sudan.

    Taiwan's land area is 36,180 square kilometers, making the island country the 77th-largest in the world.

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  • mikepence

    This is way politically incorrect to say, but it needs to be said.

    Poor minorities in this country, especially Latinos, are breeding like bunnies. Typically, Mexican girls have had a few children before they are old enough to drink!

    Now, I support anybody's right to have sex and kids...but what is the USA going to look like in 30 years? It is a real problem. Here in Arizona, already, half the high school population is Mexican, and half of them have dropped out. That's 25%, or 1 out of 4, for those of you who have already dropped out.

    I think we should start giving cash incentives for implanted birth control or tubal ligation.


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  • ISP

    Hi Mike....It may have something to do with Catholic teaching on contraception!


  • expatbrit

    Some population forecast figures for 2050: (source: UNDP, as quoted in The Economist November 3, 2001:

    United States 397 million
    Canada 40 million
    Brazil 247 million
    Germany 71 million
    Japan 109 million
    Russia 104 million
    China 1,462 million
    India 1,572 million

    The article in The Economist also points out that by 2050, around 1/3 of the American population will be 60 or older. In Canada and much of Western Europe, 35-45% will be 60 or older. In most Western countries America included, the birth rate does not reach the replacement level. Consequently, young immigrants will become an increasingly sought after commodity.

    The article is "The New Demographics" in The Economist November 3, 2001.


  • Satanus

    Immigrants will come from less affluent areas, such as africa, asia, eastern europe. In about 150 years canada and the us will be thouroughly chocolatized. In other words, whites people will have practically passed out of existence.


  • Yerusalyim

    Why not try teaching responsible sex rather than just throwing contraception at the problem? If sex were practiced only in the bonds of matrimony a lot of problems would be solved. Greed has far more to do with the problems the world faces than does overpopulation. Over population is a misnomer.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • JanH
    Some population forecast figures for 2050

    That is the highest serious estimates available. Also, the year is not chosen randomly: 2050 is where (at latest) the population on this planet starts to decline. In some decades, we will be talking about not only how shallow those who were wooing the "population bomb" were, but what will be the consequences of the declining population and the increasing average age of those living.


    "Responsible sex"? How responsible is it to have sex even in a marriage without contraception? Naturally, a healthy woman will have 8-12 children in her life. Are women no more to you than baby machines? Birth control is one of the greatest blessings of mankind, and sick religions who ban it are one of the worst curses!

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Seeker
    Why not try teaching responsible sex rather than just throwing contraception at the problem?

    Christian communities have tried this, and failed. Teens will be teens, and hormones will be hormones. Preacher's kid or no preacher's kid, they will have sex.

    If sex were practiced only in the bonds of matrimony a lot of problems would be solved.
    Indeed. And if nobody robbed anybody else, a lot of problems would be solved too. Sadly, human nature rears its ugly head. So the next best thing is to do what Scandinavian nations have done -- made sex seem perfectly normal and natural, provide ready education, provide contraception, and remove a lot of the taboo aspects of sex. Result? Fewer abortions, fewer unwanted pregnancies, fewer STDs, fewer problems.

    Teens will have sex no matter what. Might as well deal with that reality rather than pretend you can change nature.

  • jayhawk1

    Seeker and JanH,
    Right on! When I was a teen, sigh almost a decade ago, I am glad the schools started teaching birth control. Sure here in the Bible Belt of the U. S. it is very unpopular, but I would rather my children have responsible sex with birth control than have babies too early.
    I love what you said here Jan.

    Birth control is one of the greatest blessings of mankind, and sick religions who ban it are one of the worst curses!

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    I feel bad for these poor fools.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

  • Satanus

    Good points, seeker. Also, poor, starving people have lots of kids. Rich, well educated people have only a few or none. So make sure there is plenty of education available. Affluence is a little tougher.


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