Being a Jehovah's Witness Can Make You Fat

by WTWizard 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    As there has been some talk lately of a crackdown on obesity (in the form of the Great Boasting Session), it might be time for a thread about how being one of Jehovah's Witlesses can lend one to becoming fat.

    First, my personal situation. When I was in college, I gained the 4X15 pounds that were supposed to be gained in college, and it was only my sophomore semester. It was legitimately my fault. So I stopped eating excessively, and embarked on a course of walking 6 miles per day as a way to lose that excess lard (it was something close to 50-60 pounds).

    Sure enough, shortly after I started this, the weight started coming off. In fact, it came off quite quickly. Inside of a month, I lost the quick 20 pounds and kept losing the excess lard. Within the next 2 months, my weight was about where it was before I entered college, with nothing more than sensible eating and walking 6 miles per day. No surgery, no drugs, no special diets or proscriptions, no nothing. And it stabilized even after I reached my goal weight.

    This weight was more or less maintained during about the next 5 years. When I went home for Christmas (the dorms closed), I gained part of the weight back because I could not continue my 6 miles of walking per day for 2 weeks. But, without so much as a New Years resolution, I lost the weight back within the next 2 weeks upon return to college by just resuming walking 6 miles or more per day. I made it a rule to do that at least 6 days a week, in all kinds of weather.

    During the next few years, the weight stayed off. As long as I could walk that much every day, I could not get fat again. However, once I studied to become one of Jehovah's Witlesses, I had to cut back sharply on my walking. Boasting sessions at first, then field circus, intruded. Field circus is nothing more than slow walking interspersed with sitting or standing, and not the sustained walking needed to keep my weight off. The result is that I gained back the weight I lost in college, after having maintained the weight loss for nearly 5 years. Nice going, Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger--I wish I could send you guys the lard, complete with interest.

    That illustrates how being one of Jehovah's Witlesses can make you fat. If you are spending so much time out in field circus that you can't just walk for a whole hour a day, you are likely to get fat. (More so if you had been walking that much or more before joining.) But exercise is not the only thing the witlesses do short on.

    The Pioneer Diet is another. I have seen more people stop at McDonalds or Wendys for lunch every single day. Now, an occasional meal of this is not likely to kill you. But when you do that every damn day, without a chance to exercise to burn it off, you are all but sure to gain weight. It's only a matter of time before you get fat on all those burgers, fries, high fructose corn syrup drinks, and the snacks. And those coffee drinks also add calories that can add to fat--all without a chance to walk it off. It also clogs the liver and makes the thyroid more sluggish.

    Another is stress. Witlesses are chided on everything. They do not get enough sleep, itself a risk factor in getting fat. Stress, besides contributing to mindless eating, slows the metabolism. The witlesses are stressed by the boasting sessions, having to go out in field circus, not having freedom to do anything but theocraptic things, not being allowed to express human feelings, and the threat of dying at Armageddon or suffering terribly during the Tribulation. All of which can contribute to being fat.

    This is a classic case where the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is giving people a program to follow that is guaranteed to make most of them fat, forcing them to follow it under a death threat, and then punishing them for its being successful. I noticed that they are cracking down on obesity among the witlesses, but nowhere is it suggested that they cut back on field circus to make time to walk a whole hour a day. A side point is, today I just saw in a mainstream newspaper an article linking children's not getting at least 12 hours sleep a day when infants with being fat later. Notably, witless babies are forced to stay up until 10:00 PM regularly for a boasting session and then get up at 5:00 AM for field circus.

    I am not going to stick my nose in anyone's business and tell them that they should lose weight. But if you want to lose weight, I recommend walking a whole hour a day, at the fastest pace that is still comfortable for you. People still in college or that have few responsibilities can walk as much as 6 miles, or more, per day. Doing that will make it very difficult to stay fat, and if you have lost weight, it will make it more difficult to impossible to gain the weight back. (Compare: People that lose weight by diet alone almost always gain it back within a few months.)

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good point , one other thing that should be mentioned is since JWS are banned from joining any social sporting activity in their community

    they tend to by less active and more sedate then the average person might be, particularly the youth.

    And thats true door to door work shouldn't be considered a form of exercise.

    Even all their controlled brain washing they get from their constant meetings, could be considered fat enhancing.

  • minimus

    This thread should be considered a classic!!!!

    I wish I had thought of this one!

  • Priest73

    Plus with all the time you're supposed to spend with your nose buried in the watchtower and "meditating" on the things learned. When the heck are you supposed to find time exercise.

  • daniel-p

    WTWizard, thanks for sharing your experience. I've also found walking to be a very enjoyable way to keep active, have some time to myself to meditate, and for transportation. It's great. I have a road bike which I take on a spin once in a while, but I actually prefer walking since it's less hectic and allows me to relax my brain. I became fairly sedentary during my pioneering years, from 16-19. We had rural territory and did nothing but ride around in the car from 8am to 2 or 3pm everyday. When I got home I would be so tired and spent, not wanting to do anything else. Glad I'm out of that lifestyle.

  • WTWizard

    One might note that is remotely possible for someone to get into better shape as a witless. They showcase these few instances where someone goes from sitting all day in a lounge chair to going out in field circus and losing 40 pounds. It is exceptionally rare for that to happen.

    The truth is that going from door to door gives one about as much exercise as shopping does. You can get some exercise at a grocery store just walking the aisles, but you are more than likely to eat more than enough calories to offset that. Field circus is also stop and go, where you spend more time getting into and out of cars, driving, and standing there at the door waiting for someone to answer it (or, better yet, not answer it).

    More common is the experience where a moderately fit or better person joins and gains weight upon doing so. There is next to zero sustained exercise (my walks to keep the weight off were sustained, usually a trip of 3-4 miles each way at about 4 MPH and up. That means walking around 40-45 minutes each way, non stop. Try that out in field circus. Maybe if the hounders start hounding people about their weight, they should try walking a whole hour nonstop without placing anything (and, if a boasting session is in the way, the walk pre-empts the boasting session and it will be skipped).

  • Hope4Others

    It is a prerequisite for being a witness, you must be able to visit MacDonald's & then Tim's for donuts daily.


  • R.Crusoe

    The mindsapping WT renders inactivity in ones social - less life a guatanteed majority outcome! So it is an excellent observational reality Wiz!

  • pseattle2

    When I was a kid, McDonald's was the reward at the end of a Saturday of field service. Now that I look back on it, it's kind of ironic how the most worldly corporation of its time (the '70s) was held out as a carrot (I mean, make that a french fry).

    My still-JW mother now finds it "weird" that we have never given my 3-year-old daughter McDonald's food, and that my daughter legitimately does not care for food that's been artificially colored or treated. I think it's weirder to pump a kindergartener full of chemicals.

    We do, however, have a weakness for Taco Bell.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Many a times I felt physically bloated after a discourse of spiritual food that was provided at the assemblies

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