by badboy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • berylblue

    Yes, there were more highly educated persons than others.

  • AudeSapere
    Justia wrote: A judge (female) and a commercial airline pilot (first female Air Force pilot to fly supersonic)..

    That's pretty funny. Two highly educated women in the same congregation. And I be neither was qualified enough to count magazines behind the literature counter or adjust a microphone.


  • megaflower

    We had quite a few. A handful of engineers. One designs for BMW, and my husband who is a specialist on large data systems. We had a MD in general med, nurse, school teacher, data systen analyst. There was one with 2 PHD's but still got sucked into the WTS.

  • JeffT
    yes - me !!

    Ditto. I was baptized in November, 1973. I had picked up my BA in August. I believe that congregation (Pullman, WA) had one other person with a college degree. I went back to school in 1982 to study accounting. My first degree was in English and not very useful. The decision met with a lot of resistance. While studying in Spokane I'm quite sure no one else had any amount of college education. Same when we moved across the state to Bellevue in 1983. Having uneducated elders tell my kids that they didn't need and education because the end was so close (1988) was a major factor in my leaving.

  • megaflower

    All these people are in the same cong that I just left. You can just inagine all the high minded ansewers. They guy that desighs for BMW was always over the top.

  • Carmel

    I matriculated from a school that was in the high central plateau of Washington state, but still not very high! carmel

  • chickpea

    there was an OB nurse, a chiropractor, my husband and i both had bachelor's degrees ( his was music education and mine was environmental studies)

    the PO had a bachelor's degree but i dont know what it was for ( he was a MTS placement )

    there were a few who were receiving tech school certifications including IT quals..... beyond that, high school was the pinnacle for most

  • momzcrazy

    There was a school nurse in ours. She was from Long island. I am surprised honestly. Her father is an elder here and is very no-college.


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    There are 3 congregations in the KH I attend. There are 2 servants finishing off degrees in business, a sister finishing off a nursing degree and another publisher finishing off a diploma as a pharmacy assistant. There are also two elders with a university degree (one marketing and the other administration) and a few sisters with accounting degrees. I'm not counting myself in the above.

  • VM44

    "We don't need no education!"

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