Repudiate "Valueless Things" 4/15/08 WT

by bud2114 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AllTimeJeff

    Rather, we ask: "Is the one spreading this story acting in harmony with what the Bible says? Do these stories or allegations further Jehovah's purpose? Do they promote the peace of the congregation?" Anything we hear that tears down the brotherhood rather than builds it up is a worthless thing. -

    The bible says that you can't question what you hear? That you have to accept everything a group of men say? No it doesn't. But this is a frontloaded scenario and a typical straw man arguement. I will take them one at a time:

    "Is the one spreading this story acting in harmony with what the Bible says? How broad a statement is this? One of the most over-interpreted controversial books in history is made to sound like it is really a 32 page instruction manual that is clear as a sunrise. Totally false. Of course, being brainwashed, the only thing the GB wants out of this is a bunch of nodding heads.

    Do these stories or allegations further Jehovah's purpose? Great point! I am sure that the pedophile elders that have been protected for decades really further Jehovah's purpose. How many people will now never listen to the truth because of the scandal? Isn't their blood on the hands of the GB? I KNOW of those who were totally turned off by JW's simply because of how they have handled pedophiles. I can't imagine that further's Jehovah's purpose.

    Do they promote the peace of the congregation?" This is the golden egg that the GB wants to continually harvest. Peace of the congregation = don't question a thing, even and especially legitimate points. In effect, they are saying, "If loving you is wrong, then I don't want to be right." They don't care if they are wrong, they really don't, and they are getting more bold on that point. Now, it's not about truth, its about unity, their version of unity.

    In harmony with John's counsel, we always encourage those we meet in the preaching work to test what they have been taught by comparing it with the Bible. That is a good rule for us too. If any statements come to our ears that are critical of the truth or that cast aspersions on the congregation, the elders, or any of our brothers, we do not accept them at face value.

    The key is that if it is critical "we do not accept them at face value." Really? Why? We have to accept at face value the mysterious ways the annointed get their calling! We have to accept the double speak of Mt 24:45-47 and the GB interpretation that they "represent" the dis-enfranchised non GB members of the annointed. The burden of proof is shifted to the straw man, not to the real issues that are raised.

    WT's like this always made me feel uncomfortable, esp when I had to conduct the WT. To have to look out on the audience, knowing who the pedophiles were, knowing who was being beat up by dumb ass elders, knowing those who were having some doubts, and then have to basically tell them that they weren't allowed to even mentally entertain and consider their own legitimate questions? It wasn't fair to tell these people that their very real question on real issues were being portrayed as doubts based on flaws in one's faith.

    This represents real rot from the inside. This arguement is not new, but it is loosing its effectiveness on younger generations. The information age will ultimately bring down the JW's. The climate has changed from one of unquestioning trust and belief in our instutions of church and government to one of questioning what you believe, why you believe it, and why should I believe you?

    (Sorry this is so long...) WHEN people stop becoming JW's in western lands, and WHEN financial support dries up, the last to catch on to the GB fraud will be the rank and file. What will happen then I can't predict. But I do predict that the "waters" for JW's to draw from will slowly dry up, no doubt about that.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Repudiate "Valueless Things"

    That's actually good advice. This is why I don't attend meetings anymore. Obviously, when they tell people to question their faith, they are referring only to people of other religions. They don't simply tell you to examine it with the scriptures. You are to examine it with scriptures as interpreted in their publications. In other words, it is not you making the examination, they are doing it for you, and you are to accept it, without question, for the sake of preserving unity.

  • Robert7

    I feel the more they reminding people of avoiding apostasy, and not questioning the truth, at some point people will wonder "what are they hiding?". It looks bad when the WTS tries SO hard to cover something up, and that will arouse some curiosity, at least out of some people.

    These reminders could implode and actually make people want to look up what the apostates are saying, because if this is the Truth, what can they be saying that's so bad?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Elders do not go beyond the things that are written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the faithful and discreet slave.

    This, in itself, is a contradictory statement. If they go by what is written in the publications, instead of simply following scripture, than they are going beyond what is written in the bible.

  • Flash

    Not to worry because God sees and will save all those who love Him and will positively punish all those abusing and 'Lording it over' others in His name. Luke 12: 45 ~ 48

    Ezekiel 9: 3 ~ 10

    10. "And as for me also, my eye will not feel sorry, neither shall I show compassion. Their way I shall certainly bring upon their own head."

    Luke 11: 52

    "Woe to you who are versed in the Law, because you took away the key of knowledge; you yourselves did not go in, and those going in you hindered!"

  • BreakingAway

    I do repudiate valueless things...that's why I left the Org.

  • fokyc

    Not all that 'Hot off the press',

    the 15th April Watchtower was posted here 6 weeks ago!


  • Alpaca


    Hi All,

    Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but I really have the sense that the Borg is running scared because of the internet and sites like this.

    There have been a lot of new ones coming to the board lately, so I don't think it is a coincidence that we are seeing them hammering on this.

    It wouldn't surprise me to see more articles along the same vein with an even harder line.

    Just a thought.


  • megawatt

    ^Waiting for that as well. All that's doing is pushing those out who are still "in" that are having a hard time with certain doctrines and beliefs and just accepting not to cause any ripples in their local congregation...

    Good works, guys!!!

  • dawg

    "Elders do not go beyond the things that are written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the faithful and discreet slave."

    I truly can't believe they commit outright blasphemy like this and few even question it. Damn, why can't readers see the irony in these words?

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