Do you believe history repeats itself? What does that mean for JW's?

by oompa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Why is my JW faith so vacant? It could have to do with the fact that WT's official position on the Bible is that is has been altered over time, and they have done their best to "restore" it the way they think it must have been, despite have zero manuscript evidence to do so. But this only got me studying more in depth the history of JW teachings, and caused me lose faith in the Bible.

    What can you conclude if a religion has made literally hundreds of changes to its teachings in just over 100 years? What if they go back and forth several times on the same teachings? What if some of the teachings are just so bizarre, they only teach it once or twice, and just never address the subject again, hoping nobody noticed?

    Some would say the "light of truth is getting brighter" but I have another take on this historical evidence. History DOES repeat itself, so as far as WT goes, we can certainly expect more of the same as we have recently witnessed (ha) regarding 1935 not being the end of calling the anointed, and of course the Generation of 1914 changes. This has led me to to a broader conclusion regarding all of Christendoms religions, but especially WT,.... NOBODY HAS A FRIKKIN CLUE WHAT THE BIBLE MEANS!!!! If the Bible is all corrupted and unverifiable, which it probably is, then what is the point? If the Bible is intact, then the thousands of variations on what it means, and the ongoing changes to teachings proves it is impossible to know for certain what it really means. Does this makes sense, and I mean in an analytical way?.......................oompa

    too much time has gone by

  • GermanXJW

    It means that on the long tun JW develop from an end-time cult to a mainstream church. (Though, I do not make much distinction between cult and church.)

  • journey-on

    I know what you mean Oompa.

    A few months ago, I read a thread started by Farkel about Thomas Paine's Age of Reason. It was lengthy, but

    something told me I needed to read it, so I did. Afterwards, I began to doubt the Bible. Before reading the Age

    of Reason, I believed that religion had messed up the meaning of the Bible and had confused its message. But

    I still thought perhaps God had "inspired" people to write it and it was us (mankind) that had allowed the priests

    and preachers and theologians to taint its true message. So, I decided to re-read the Bible with a different mindset,

    and I chose the KJV to read. I'm a few pages from finishing the OT (Hebrew scriptures). I can't wait to read the NT

    with my "new" mindset. So far, I've returned to the possiblility that there is indeed a mystery within the pages of

    this ancient book that is hidden in plain site. I won't elaborate on that yet until I finish the entire Bible, but I've come

    to think within the stories, fables, and ramblings, there is something we have missed because it is necessary to hide

    it and to search for it. Does that make sense? It is not about doctrine or history. It is something much more cryptic

    and important. It's one of those things that you can't put your finger on and it "speaks" to you as an individual. It's like

    watching a movie with a friend or your partner then discussing it. Each one got something different out of it or interpreted

    it in their own unique way, as if the movie was talking to them only in their language, then you only in your language.

    Does this make sense?

  • oompa
    journey-on: I won't elaborate on that yet until I finish the entire Bible, but I've come

    to think within the stories, fables, and ramblings, there is something we have missed because it is necessary to hide

    it and to search for it. Does that make sense? It is not about doctrine or history. It is something much more cryptic

    and important

    That is a somewhat exiciting thought, but it does not make sense to me. I could write a suspense novel with cryptic messages in it, but that would be for entertainment, like The DeVinci Code. I feel it horribly cruel to write a book for mankind, Gods children, that only a few could understand, and even they would not be sure. I want a MAP that gets you somewhere without confusion or stress................oompa

  • cognac

    I believe the WT history repeats itself, however...

    I think JWs mentality has already changed dramatically... With the internet people are much more informed. Also, the WT has already made so many wrong choices that people only have to look back.

    I talk to a lot of different people, to test out the waters, so to speak. A lot of people have serious questions on things... (They just don't present them as that and neither do I) They don't even realize what there own teaching states about apostasy, and I don't tell them...

    People are just having a difficult time finding there right excuse to actually leave. They need another ray franz leaving the society...

    Once they get that next excuse, I think they will leave in droves...

  • journey-on

    Oompa, you're a seeker...a searcher. I've read your posts and know that the Bible is

    your pet issue (so to speak). You're extremely knowledgeable about its foibles and the

    NWT's blunders. You, too, suspect there is something hidden or missing. And whether

    this omission or concealment is intentional or not bothers you, so you keep searching for

    a clue. Me, too. But, I have always believed it is about the search... and every once in a

    while, you are rewarded with a small treasure of information that fits nicely into the puzzle

    you are attempting to put together.

  • WTWizard

    I know why the Bible is so damn hard for people to understand. Because people today are not in a bicameral society (though its leaders do their utmost to replace our bicameral brains).

    You see, the Bible (at least Jesus' teachings) was written to document the transition from bicameral to conscious thinking (or, in more down to earth terms, from the primitive mode to more civilized mode). Jesus was on a mission to help the peasants, who were being kept bicameral by the leaders for their nefarious aims, to become conscious thinkers. To do that, Jesus needed to teach in parables and metaphors.

    Along comes Paul, a conscious thinker that errantly takes the Bible literally, and misinterprets Christ's teachings. There is the source of most of the confusion about the Bible. That is also the source of most of religion's doctrines that put an unhealthy dose of guilt in every pleasure we would otherwise enjoy.

  • WTWizard

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  • WTWizard

    I know why the Bible is so damn hard for people to understand. Because people today are not in a bicameral society (though its leaders do their utmost to replace our bicameral brains).

    You see, the Bible (at least Jesus' teachings) was written to document the transition from bicameral to conscious thinking (or, in more down to earth terms, from the primitive mode to more civilized mode). Jesus was on a mission to help the peasants, who were being kept bicameral by the leaders for their nefarious aims, to become conscious thinkers. To do that, Jesus needed to teach in parables and metaphors.

    Along comes Paul, a conscious thinker that errantly takes the Bible literally, and misinterprets Christ's teachings. There is the source of most of the confusion about the Bible. That is also the source of most of religion's doctrines that put an unhealthy dose of guilt in every pleasure we would otherwise enjoy.

  • Undecided

    oompa, I feel sort of like you about the bible. It's sort of like it was from two different Gods. The Hebrew bible and the Greek bible. How long was it between the two writtings? Those who claim to understand the writtings and have God's spirit all differ in their teachings. There have been no more writtings in 2,000 years. If believing in Jesus is the only way to survive in the after life, what about all those before he came, if he was a real person? Are they going to be resurrected and be given a chance to believe to see if they have faith? It all doesn't make sense to me.

    Ken P.

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