simple question about popularity

by dippydo 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • spanteach

    LMAO oh, Diamondblue. That break-down of a congregation is sadly accurate but it made me laugh. Especially that bit about

    They clean windows for a living with their dad and wouldnt know what the real job market was like at all. ALL the sisters in the hall hope to be married at some point to one of these lads (any one of them will do) and they ensure that they are invited to social events (like the usual barn dances and elder sponsored and attended bowling trips).

    I'm crying from so much laughter.

    digderidoo mentioned cliques....yeah, I was in about 6 or 7 different congregations in my life and they ALL had cliques. It was usually due to families in the congregation intermarrying over a time span of 20 years or so, which made 80% of the congregation related. How can a newcomer, Sister Single-Parent or Brother Unbelieving-Mate possibly compete with that??

  • diamondblue1974

    Ohhh I forgot - this is slightly less tongue in cheek but actually true (as was the above).

    • (NEW FAMILY WITH SKELETONS) There is also a new family that has moved into the hall from another congregation (nobody knows why given they live outside the territory and have not moved house). The family keep themselves to themselves and seem to be welcomed into the congregation with open arms. After all they appear really spiritual. What everyone doesnt realise is that their then 19 year old son was caught molesting a 4 year old in their old congregation and needed to be moved on without any other warning to the incumbent congregation. The 4 year olds mother was encouraged to drop the charges so that she didnt bring reproach on Jehovahs name.

    • (OLDER SISTER AND TWISTED ASSOCIATED FAMILY) A lovely elderly sister who had an opposing husband who was abusive not only to her but to his daughters. He sexually abused each one of his daughers but one in particular got pregnant and he now has a daughter who calls him Grandad! When he became infirm and incapable of knocking his wife (elderly sister) about and needed care he refused to go into a home and he surprisingly changed his ways and agreed to start a study with the witnesses. He was later baptised (with great fanfare because he had to be baptised in his wheelchair). Nobody however was told that he was a paedophile and of course the group study and other field ministry meetings were held in his house.

    • (NEVER MIND NO PART OF THIS WORLD, THE NOT ON THIS PLANET FAMILY) This family has no social skills and no ability to really interact on any normal level. Despite being 30 years old they dress in 1940s charity shop clothes and rarely wash their hair. They are regularly out on the ministry and their lives are entrenched with the Watchtower society at the deepest levels of their psyche. When they invite people round from the congregation they play party games that everyone finds embarassing because they are just too childlike for words. They rejoice in the fact that billions will be destroyed by jehovah and regularly speculate with amazing off the wall theories about when the end will come. (One of these speculations embarassingly involved an observation that because there were so many more starlings and blackbirds around, this was because jehovah is planning to create birdfood out of worldly people very soon.)

    Sad but true....


  • R.Crusoe

    On entering JW land as a convert, one can be so deluded by Bible speak that one never realises the KH is like a school playground pretending to be heaven!

    There re bullies. victims and gameplayers - as with any group in any schoolyard anyplace!

  • diamondblue1974
    There re bullies. victims and gameplayers - as with any group in any schoolyard anyplace!

    Indeed! You got that right.


  • dippydo

    Hahahaa hilarious Gary, see you still have a wicked sense of humour, luvin it!

  • chickpea

    it is too true about families intermarrying in the KHs.... in the one i attended there was one family of a son and daughter married to another family's son and daughter..... their kids were double cousins! talk about a shallow gene pool

    then we had one young MS type ( bro, A) move into the conrgro, being nephew/cousin to a family therein, brought his cousin, (bro, B) also an MS type, but from the other side of the family, who ended up married a cousin of bro A!! and bro A ended up married to a woman who was had a dad and a brother who were elders

    THEN there were elders' children marrying each other and becoming elders themselves!

    remind me again....... why JWs arent supposed to watch TV soap operas?

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