Do You Find Anything "Logical" About Religion?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Very interesting so far.......

  • Galileo
    What I find logical about religion is the need for some people to make sense of the world around them. We are inquisitive beings by nature, and when we see things in our world that follow certain patterns, we would like answers.

    I was going to comment on this thread, but I think the above is one of the most succinct explanations of religion I have ever seen, so I'll just second that. It is also a good description of science, and why eventually science will completely fill the role that religion once did (fingers crossed).

  • Carmel

    For those that have never experianced a "logical religion" the answer would likely be no! But, if you realize that mysticism exists outside of religion then it reduces the argument against pointing the finger at religion because of its metaphysical elements. carmel

  • jaguarbass

    It depends on what deffinition of religion you are using.

    Here is one dictionary deffinition,

    " a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects"

    That deffinition could help a person understand the world he lives in, whether he chooses to be an atheist or a beliver in a sky god.

    If your an atheist, you believe in cause and effect, that seems pretty logical to me.

    Is there anything logical about believing in god?

    Depending on who you imagine him to be and what attributes you give him, you may find peace and comfort. That seems logical.

    I dont think it would be to logical to imagine a God that was a manic depressive who was going to send you to hell because he was having a hissy fit.

  • R.Crusoe

    Religious logic seems a way of getting humans to deny being humans and so aid those who want to explore being humans to do so all the more. That is its logic!

    Sorta look in the mirror and pretend it isn't you! I never could close my eyes and see my own reflection!

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