I got a jesus question

by lancelink 23 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Well as far as I have ever heard, since Gid knows everything ahead of time, I definately don't know why he would've been upset.

  • LayingLow

    I really don't think knowing things ahead of time means that you don't experience it. If you knew you were going to get punched in the face but that you wouldn't die and in time it would even get better doesn't mean that getting punched in the face will be pleasant.

    Saying that it didn't hurt God enough because he knew that it was going to be ok with Jesus seems like saying, "Well you took a blow to the face for me but it's not like it really matters since you're just going to heal up when it's done." On top of that is the fact that he didn't have to do anything.

    He could say, "Well, that sin is really tearing them apart but they deserved it for their sin." I know that while certain things are judicially correct they are not loving. In the instance of a person who is loving because their nature demands it, I don't think it takes away from the value of their love even though their nature demanded it. Let me give an example. If I see some guy run at the front of a car in an attempt to take his own life and somehow he doesn't die, I don't say to myself, "Well he deserved it because he ran at a car." My love moves me to try to offer assistance even to someone who justly got what they merited. Someone might say, "Well, you had to help him or you're not loving." That may be true. But I don't think that it should take anything away from the love that was shown just because my nature demanded it. That's kind of a side note but a related issue.

  • bimfy

    mmmmm yeah its hard one sometimes, i mean we all know you should let everyone of your family die, DO NOT intervene, its gods way.

    I mean what about all those Victorians burying large bones pretending them to be what they call dinosaurs, REALLY they should get a life, a life as a JW.

    Stop burying whale bones

  • Perry

    Before, a bull was sacrificed according to the instructions in Leviticus, the priest would lay his hands upon the head of the bull. Why? It transferred the sin (first of the priest then of the sinner offering it) onto the animal. The animal's throat was then cut and the blood flowed. It was only in this way that sin could be gotten rid of. The Jews were convinced of an ultimate Judgment Day, hence the extreme importance of getting rid of the offenses.

    It was the sin that was killed off, not the animal. A person will never make sense of Jesus' death if they don't understand this fundamental bible truth. This was the ONLY method of ridding yourself of YOUR SIN, not Adam's.

    Rivers of blood flowed out of Jerusalem for centuries.... millions of animals. It was a monotonous bloody ordeal that must have been a huge burden on that society. It made a fundamental difference in the psychology of the Jew and the Gentile. While the Gentile had a general idea of right and wrong, virtue...etc., the Jew had a hypersensitive view to all kinds of sins. It was the burden of the sacrifices that impressed it upon the community. The burden was financial, but probably emotional as well. Taking a family lamb that was also a family pet and slitting his throat to deal with your sin, I'm sure wasn't pleasant. The message was clear: You don't like doing this? Then don't sin. Of course, that was impossible, and exasperating.

    The early Christians, who were Jews understood this because of their culture. They understood that through their faith in Jesus and entering into a "blood covenant", with him which required the death of both covenantors, it was their own sins that were being punished on that cross.

    God presented his own self in the person of Jesus Christ as a spotless lamb that ascended from the heights of glory, infinity, and majesty to the depths of a severe Roman lashing and death.

    1 Cor. 11: 24 And when he had given thanks , he brake it, and said , Take , eat : this is my body , which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me . - KJV (Not Adam)

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