A couple questions for atheists on Suffering

by little_Socrates 102 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • _Morpheus

    I certainly dont think "all" suffering is evil. Suffering on a treadmill isnt evil. Suffering in the weight room isnt evil.... Unless you have heart attack on the treadmill. Or drop a 150lb barbell on your little toe..

    the problem is you are defining "suffering" in such a general way its impossible to answer you specifically. Narrow it down a bit and more precise answer will be easy to provide

  • little_Socrates

    The entire human experience is beautiful. Yes I know many things can be unpleasant but they just fall on that continuum will all the great things we can experience.

    My point about the victims you mentioned... even though they died tragically, it doesn't negate all the great things they experienced in life. The goodness of living is so much greater than the badness of some suffering we may face.

    What makes their deaths any more evil than any other one?

  • little_Socrates
    Morpheus... when atheists say "Why does God allow suffering" how do they define it? That is the definition I want to work towards.
  • _Morpheus
    Why do you think atheists believe life ISNT beautiful?
  • Finkelstein

    Who told you that the world should be free from suffering?

    Who told you that atheists don't believe that suffering is not part of reality in the natural world in which we live.

    I think its part of humanistic values to try to reduce the suffering of mankind, without asking or expecting a deity for relief .

  • little_Socrates

    Morpheus I never said that and I never meant to infer that.

    My point was while the entire human experience is beautiful I feel that atheists are a bit to focused on the suffering aspect of it. The suffering does not negate all the good. And I would say in light of how good the world can be... if we also have to experience some suffering it is not evil.

  • cofty

    LS - You need to think through your question. At the moment it's a shambles.

    As an atheist I accept suffering as an inevitable part of life.

    I have no philosophical issue with suffering. The universe doesn't care. We do everything we reasonably can to minimise the suffering of ourselves and others.

    You have the dilemma - The god of christian theism inflicts appalling suffering on conscious creatures.


    I asked you if you have ever knowingly chosen suffering and why you think suffering is "useful and valuable".

  • cofty
    The suffering does not negate all the good.

    Nobody is denying the good things in life. Stop with the strawman.

    Are you saying that this world, with the precise degree of suffering it contains, is the very best the god of christian theism could manage?

  • _Morpheus

    Im not sure what atheists you have been talking too but most i know find life exciting and vibrant, full of oportunity and wonder.

    What i wonder is why god cant be bothered to help people who die in tsunamis but he answers prayers about....whatever petty random crap people pray about. Its not about avoiding suffering its about realizing that sky daddy cant be bothered to help when it really matters.

  • cofty
    alert - Retreat into deism imminent!

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