What proof is there of evolution?

by hotchocolate 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tsar_robles

    I agree with hamsterbait; 'evolution' and 'creation' as we know them can coexist in this line of thought. In other words, there is a creator/designer/god that kicked off the natural process which may have or may have not required further intervention from him once life started.

  • Moxie

    I can recall another point that I heard recently and is certainly thought provoking. It's regarding the account of the ark. In the story of the ark... Noah was instructed to preserve the animal life on the planet by carrying them in the ark itself. The Bible describes the size and dimensions of the ark that was used to house Noah's family and all of the animals. Now in modern day, consider how many animals and animal species are on the earth. It is a scientific fact that in nature a new species is not formed through cross breeding, and yet we see millions of animal, insect, bird and marine species on the planet. It would have been impossible for Noah to house all the animal life in the ark that we see on the earth today even if he housed only a male and female of each in the ark.

    This leads us to two possible theories:

    1. The biblical account of the world-wide flood is false.
    2. The biblical account of the world-wide flood is true, and we see extremely excellerated evolution of animals to account for the millions of species which now inhabit it.

    Some interesting food for thought...


  • tsar_robles

    that's a good thought, moxie. Actually it's an excellent thought about how the biblical account of a worldwide flood does leave room to be considered a legend.

    I myself still don't know what to make of the bible itself (god's or man's word) because of stories such as the flood. It may have just been the best form the hebrew ancestors found in making sense of it all.

    I am not sure how many people agree with my line of thought posted right above...

  • Moxie

    Yes Tsar Robles, regarding your comment, I have often thought of the same thing and because of that can't get consider myself quite a true atheist. I believe that there was a probably a creator at some initial stage, but after that I leave it up to the complex workings of evolution.

    As for the flood story, when I heard that argument I found it very interesting. Either it proves that evolution is undeniably true or that the biblical account is false. My bet is a combination of the two.


  • hotchocolate

    Hi Tsar - I actually know some witnesses who think like you do, that evolution might be used by God. The jury still out on this for me, but it still doesn't cover the "yeah but where did God come from?" thing.. Not that I have any hard and fast opinions on this.. yet. :-)

    Moxie - The flood idea was something I've always had problems with. It was the start of my research actually. There are still Biblical groups out there that have their own tables on how all those animals could have fit, but my issue is more along the lines of how did 8 people possibly feed all those animals as well as clean up their crap and look after themselves at the same time? And what, did they have little dive pools for the penguins and seals? And if this was all solved by miracles, then why didn't God make things less complicated and just destroy all the unbelievers instead of wiping most of the innocent animal kingdom in a flood? Hmmm..

  • R.Crusoe

    If there is evolution or no evolution I could give no rats arse!

    If there is a god or no god I could give no monkeys genitallia!

    I will believe what I feel and that is it! Otherwise I am anothers puppet!

    But when I look into the eyes of woman like one I glimpsed at a checkout the other night, I just go to meltwater and believe anything!

    So go figure!

  • tsar_robles

    cool moxie. my wife sort of disagrees with me. She thinks the creator may have given life a self-automated control that wouldn't require any further intervention from him; but she thinks the creator may have made an exception to the rule with the creation of man and woman.

  • tsar_robles

    lmao, R. Crusoe

  • hotchocolate

    Heh heh...

    Robbie, eyes that melt grown men? Sounds like she had some significant powers. Maybe we should be asking HER about the origin of life. :-P

  • LtCmd.Lore
    So I know almost nothing about the subject, except what I was taught in the "Evolution vs Creation" book, and I'm guessing that wasn't entirely impartial. ;-)


    What can you tell me that could convince me there is truth in evolution?

    I think you should postpone looking for evidence until you comprehend the basic idea... and you can pretty much throw everything the creation book said out the window.

    http://richarddawkins.net/growingupintheuniverse (You can download them for free if you have high speed internet.)

    This is a great video series about the basics of evolutionary theory. It's designed for kids, but like you I didn't know jack about evolution when I was a witness either, so it was right on my level...

    IT doesn't really talk much about evidence for evolution, it just describes the process. But that's okay, you can worry about evidence after you understand the theory. In fact, once you understand the theory you'll probably notice evidence every single day without needing anyone to point you to it.

    You'll probably notice little things every day that support evolution, like the human tailbone, or goosebumps... And then you'll wonder why you never noticed it before.

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