Sex and Relationships 20 Years From Now!

by new boy 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new boy
    new boy

    This is basicly a spin off of "Flippers" sex thread in February...

    The future of male/female relationships?....Things are changing but we still have a long way to go!

    How so?

    The old paradigm is changing.....

    Governments and religions have tried to control sex for 1,000s of years...and mostly they have done this by depowering women...They have put women in roles servitude to men. Look at the governments and religions of today....they are all MALE dominated.

    Its only been 50 years since we believed in the "Donna Reed" concept of women, as being "mans helper"....stay at home, make cakes and raise the kids.

    In many countries they are still treated like cattle....Hell...they can't even pray to God in the same room with a man in it! If they put a "head covering" on... it's O.K. They get paid less and basicly are not respected the same way a man is in todays world.

    So where is it heading?

    The day is coming when that will all be gone...Women of today don't need men has much as they used too. They are not buying into the same bull shit their mothers believed in.

    In a few years men and women will be totaly equal...There will be less marriages because people won't NEED to have a piece of paper to make them stay together...they will stay together has long there is love and mutual respect...and when it's gone....they will move on.

    Sex will be better then ever. With two equals enjoying the experience, without all the religious hangups. It's possible that people may even enjoy sex with more then one person at a time...If love & respect is involved anything is possible.....can you love more then one person at a time?

    Your comments....were do you see the future of women and men?


  • VoidEater

    I think this is one of the ways that gay relationships give society a mirror to look at itself within.

    Without fitting into the nice, neat template that "tradition" dictated for our relationship based on gender roles, we got to "make it up" in a way that worked for us. Perhaps we had an opportunity to meet as equals in this relationship that was not visible or available to some of our hetero peers.

    Neither of us became "the wife" or "the husband" - we became "partners".

    Would we marry? Actually, yes we would - marriage to us would be a secular standardization of our relationship. I think many families will continue to make use of the institution. Here we are on the far side of the Summer of Love, and some find value in the institution beyond the chattel relationship it might otherwise be. It can still be an honoring rather than a bludgeon. It depends upon who's hands it is in.

    EDIT: And perhaps that is one of the aspects of the truth leading to freedom - when you no longer need a law to cleave unto another, you get to choose to stay together.

  • Layla33

    I just want to throw in that an ad for SUGARDADDIE.COM appeared when I went to read this thread.

  • new boy
    new boy

    I can't believe only 2 people wanted to talk about what relationships will be like in 20 years!

  • R.Crusoe

    4th time of losing my connection!!

    I think it would be excellent if males had a pill of some sort to be in control of their own seed and be less worried about impregnating a female or being deceived into doing so,

    Liberating mens sexuality is way behind womens IMO! Accepted certain males are full of women but as a general rule I think males are oppressed in western nations!

    I feel though that powers in control may limit available drugs and so ensure the control stays with the feminine! - We all know they are much more engaged in using medical services than men!

    I see this as a trend in thinking in order to keep males under control in general - all manner of restriction and expectation via female control of family! - Indoctrinating males with what is jailable in males but allowable in females - all this kind of double standard stuff which we dont realise is putting men down and under even more pressurs till they snap and get punished further!

    It's what I see but I know I don't see everything so maybe your view is different?

    It's why I feel drawn to muslim idelologies if it were not for some of the punishments of women I fail to get my head around!

    The idea that too much male oppression will cause some to think the opposite is a better place to be in because equality is just a big lie to get more of what certain people want and want and want - doesn't stop at equality and anyone who thought it would has been tricked well and truly!

    So I think something will adjust the trends we now see but I dont know what or how!

    I also have moved away from religion so no real chance of me understanding how to follow another one!

    Will there be an atheistic uprising involving freer love and less restriction?

    All the religious influentials seem to oppose such a notion and they are currently in a majority and so weild the axe of power!

    Interesting thoughts and lots of influences mixing it all up!

  • JH

    The Family Trees will become complicated !!!

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I agree that we will see less marriages happening. I think marriage is an outdated institution. It served the purpose of creating a seemingly stable foundation for children to be raised within, but has ended up being a bubble where unhappy mates stay together for the sake of the kids and lose the sense of what love and relationship are all about--love and relationship.

    I think we will see more children born to one parent, or to two parents living in different homes. I'm hoping the "it takes a village to raise a child" philosophy will be adopted to a greater degree. This way kids can be exposed to different cultures, world views, ideas than just those of their parents. I'm not as convinced as I once was that kids need a mom and dad in the same home to be healthy and successful in life. I think time will show this, once we all get over our old beliefs of what things "should" look like.

    I'm hoping we will reach a place where gender won't even be an issue of consideration. The best person for the job will get it. I hope that men and women will be able to celebrate their differences without seeing them as divisions. I would guess that perhaps, for a time, it's even possible that women will come to dominate. It seems that the scales often swing to the extremes before they find a comfortable balance.

    I'd like to see prostitution legalized across the world. I think history's oldest profession deserves acknowledgement and destigmatization. I think the things that scare us are what need to be brought to light. Only then can we evolve and move beyond these things. As long as we're afraid of it, it gets more power. Why not just accept what is and see what happens?

    Like R. Crusoe, I'd like to see men be able to control their fertility. A birth control pill for men would be an incredible tool.

    Interesting discussion.

    tall penguin

  • tall penguin
  • tall penguin
  • tall penguin

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