What is the scriptural basis for restrictions?

by digderidoo 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jwfacts

    There is no basis, as with much of Watchower lore.

    The New Testament does not outline the use of report cards, hourly witnessing requirements, titles such as pioneer, privileges such as holding the microphone, so it equally does not make these areas that restrictions can be applied.

    The New Testament does not give a list of 100 questions for baptism (see the example of the Ethiopian Eunech). It does not use the word disfellowship, but gives loose guidelines on avoiding those practicing sin in 1 Corinthians. It gives not formal process for reinstatement, if the person is not practicing the sin anymore then there would be no reason to avoid them, which is quite different to the Watchtower approach of the elders needing to establish repentence.

    Once the person is part of the congregation again the Bible does not state that time must pass before the person can answer, give talks, do the microphones. This is just Watchtower regulation.

  • jwfacts

    Notice the justification for requiring repentance in the following article quotes a scripture that is not related the disfellowshipping.


    w0611/15pp.27-28par.9AlwaysAcceptJehovah’sDiscipline***Repentance is a very important factor in connection with reinstatement into the Christian congregation. A disfellowshipped person is not automatically accepted back into the congregation after a certain amount of time has passed. Before he can be reinstated, his heart condition must undergo a great change. He must come to realize the gravity of his sin and the reproach he brought upon Jehovah and the congregation. The sinner must repent, pray earnestly for forgiveness, and conform to God’s righteous requirements. When requesting reinstatement, he should be able to give evidence that he has repented and is producing "works that befit repentance."—Acts 26:20.

    Acts 26:20. "but both to those in Damascus first and to those in Jerusalem, and over all the country of Ju·de´a, and to the nations I went bringing the message that they should repent and turn to God by doing works that befit repentance"

    There is even less justification for restrictions. The following article, which is one of the few that discusses it, provides no scriptural justification.


    w523/1pp.144-145par.27ProprietyofDisfellowshiping*** The Society would probably put restrictions or bounds around that individual because of the course of action he has taken. By way of punishment it may take him off the pioneer list for six months or maybe a year, according to what that individual had done that would bring reproach to God’s name. But as long as that one has confessed his sin and asked for forgiveness, then the Society can help that one to get back in the right road and continue to be a servant of the Lord. If the action does not affect a company or other individual in it, there is no reason to make any notification or public announcement of it.
  • stillajwexelder

    What is the scriptural basis for restrictions?

    Who really is the FDS who his master appointed over the domestics to give them food at the proper time

  • dinah

    Ya know, I never understood that show of repentence crap.

    It's like they think they have a crystal ball. They knew nothing in my case, at least about my heart.

    I'm thankful for my disfellowshipping. Yeah it made my road harder, but just think where I would be if it had not happened.

    Think I'll go dig up the ringleader elder and thank him.

  • Moxie

    Is it just me or was I correct in thinking that only God can judge and that it is not the place of us humans to inflict punishment in His place?

    When I first learned that the Society officially enforced these types of punishment my jaw must have dropped. I had always understood that reprovals and disfellowshippings were for the growth and development of the individual (a time of reflection) or for the protection of the congregation. That is how they were explained when I was still one of JW's.
    ...So when I learned that the Elders were in fact administering "Punishment" it came as a big shock to me.

    A famous scripture comes to mind: "first remove the rafter from your own eye...."


  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Bibically there is no scriptural grounds for restrictions place on a person after they have repented! Actually having such a long disfellowshipment should be punishment enough! according to Pauls Teary letter see 2 Corth,.

    One needs to know what their restrictions are such as not answering at book study, or going out in service. During my restriction, I was clueless because in the 70s they did not have anything like it and the elder neglected to tell me I could not answer at meetings!

    As one elder explained, restrictions is just another step they use to see if a person is serious enough to stay with the congregations. The elders stated that some people come back with worldly thoughts such as partaking! One elder said most people come back and think they should partake, and they do not last. Although at the time, I explained to the elders that I did not care about partaking. One elder said yes I know but some people do! Once again, I had to do research as to why! to see why would most care.

    Anyhow, the elders will appoint a pioneer to have weekly bible study and to bring you up to date what is new to the organization. If anyone is going through this it is better to keep it strickly bible study only answer the questions from the book and move on. During my weekly bible study, my pioneer became big headed, almost like she thought she had power over me, and she made it clear that she was at my house only because the elders told her to do so. She also packed up her grandchildren gifts and took vacation time at Christmas! She was also teaching things that Jehovah Witnesses did not believe. So I told the elder I no longer wanted to study with her and why. They took her side and said she would never say that!

    Also it is not a good time to share your new found research although the bible says if one has some doubts to ask. For example, I express to the elder on the phone that I did not think that Jesus was an archangel. After that conversation, the pioneer came to my house with another woman, and at the end of the study they talked about Michael the Arch Angel. I felt like they were trying to trap me in saying that I believe Jesus to be Jehovah! which I did not believe. Later, I found the same quote in a 1960s WT.

    Also, the elder broke his promise to me, I guess he was relieving his own guilt claiming to want to help me out! He stated the reason why I was dfd and that was between me and my original elders. He was not an orginal elder and promised that he never need to know. That was it for me!

    Trust me, tell your friend to say little as possible to the elders and when going thru the restriction remember that person who is study with him is not his friend but to report back to the elders! I was shocked when the pioneer expressed this at my book study.

    I am sharing this so YOUR friend will not have to go through what I did. Tell him to smile and only answer question that are asked.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Thanks AlanV for you scriptural reasoning because I did not really know as to why, I was using 2 Corinthians 2:5-11. Interesting!

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