what did you get dissfellowshipped for and were you once "strong"

by looloo 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • babygirl75
  • babygirl75

    I was very strong at one time, but as my marriage was falling apart, so did my spirituality. By the time I was df'd I wasn't regular at the meetings or field service. I was df'd for adultry. I seperated & divorced my husband, and married my boyfriend.

  • besty

    Sam and I were disfellowshipped for apostasy, but the written confirmation of our DF'ing didn't specify the charge. Naturally we weren't there for the announcement or at any other meetings thereafter.

    I was inactive for many years and missed a load of meetings so people would be not surprised at me leaving but no doubt suffered from !!!!apostashock!!!! due to the loaded language deployed. I had been an MS about 10 years ago for a few years. DUH.

    Sam was more integrated with the people at the KH as she is naturally extrovert and gregarious and so the shock factor would be much greater with her leaving. People (including my mother and brother JW) have said that I dragged her down to my low level. Sort of combination ad hominem strawman fallacy I guess :-)

    Both included in the 67% of JW;s raised as such that leave.

  • joelbear69

    I never liked being a witness but I put
    on a good show. Most people thought I
    was the perfect witness until I was about

    People who knew me right before I got
    DF'ed I am sure were not surprised because
    they all knew that I was gay. I'm sure
    that figured I would come out eventually,
    which I did 20 years ago.

    The people I grew up with were probably
    surprised to some extent, but I'm sure
    they had figured out I was gay also.

  • hotspur

    Was in for 34 years and was an MS twice... couldn't keep my mouth shut - so little wonder I never made elder, although, apparently I got close to it once when I was 22. I always thought then, how could I be considered wise at that age :-(

    Marriage was bearable but going downhill... I was always led to believe it was my fault such was the guilt I was made to feel. Faded away but was still attending - just going through the motions. Went off the rails completely 4 years ago. I remember being at a DC feeling really angry but not knowing why. I told my now ex-wife I don't want to be here. She asked me why. I couldn't think of any reason than not wanting to be with so many hypocrits. (Don't misunderstand me, there are some good witnesses as people, just misplaced). "I hope you're not including me in that". 3 months later I found out my [then] 14 year old was not mine. How to keep that secret from me for 15 years? Did the honourable thing and tried to make it work, thinking it would be different not having to carry all that guilt. Shouldn't have bothered. I then realised why it was always as bad as it was.... it wasn't always me. Got df'd for living with the lady I'm about to marry!

    Now I've found all the reasons why the borg stop people from looking on the interweb - too much truth out there. Boy, do they make me angry. Hypocrits.

  • Moxie

    I did consider myself "strong" up to a few months prior to my disfellowshipping. I was an auxillary pioneer. What changed? I had witnessed what I considered serious wrongdoing by some of my MS and pioneer friends and when I went to the elders with those concerns (which I might add was a very hard thing to do since they were very dear friends) the entire situation was brushed under the rug since one of the people involved was the CO's daughter. I became heartsick at seeing the hypocrisy. It seemed that the entire congregation was corrupt, there was this that I mentioned above, as well as rampant gossiping, family feuds within the congregation, and as a result I started to doubt that the Society was really the true religion. I slowly stopped attending meetings and several months later I started seeing a non-JW young man. I received a voicemail on my answering machine from an elder stating that at the next meeting they would be announcing that I was disfellowshipped. And the rest as they say is history. In retrospect I'm grateful that they made that final decision so easy for me. The years to come would not be so easy, but today I consider it the greatest blessing of my life. "Moxie"

  • Deidra

    I got disfellowshipped for being "an unrepentant fornicator." Funny because I went to the elders, they didn't come to me.

  • lisavegas420
    I got disfellowshipped for being "an unrepentant fornicator." Funny because I went to the elders, they didn't come to me.

    Me too...what a dumb ass I was, thinking they were going to help me. lisa

  • Krystal

    Like most young ppl who get disfellowshipped... fornication... lol

    Funny, it still sounds bad when u say it like that!

    I was 3rd generation witness... MS father, reg pioneering older sister, PO Uncle... had parts on assemblies since I was 7-8ish... on the ministry school when I was 5... aux pioneered when I had time off in high school... you know, one of those families that shows up 30mins early for each meeting, sits in the front... helps the spiritually "weaker" families...yup it was a shocker!

    I saw one of the elders who was on my JC in a resturant once (i was with my co-fornicator) he sat down at a table with his wife, hung his head... whispered with her for a few minutes and left!! I couldn't believe it... guess I should have showered! lol

  • Maddie

    As a convert I didn't find it easy being a JW, mainly because my then husband wasn't a JW and I was very unhappy in my marriage any way. I was quite active at one time in the preaching and attending all the meetings regularly. When I was ds'd I hadn't attended a JC (didn't even know about it), but found out after when they started shunning me. At that time my home life had gone down the pan and my life was chaotic because of my alcohol problem. I don't know what the reaction was amongst the JW's.


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