Hard drive how big is to big??

by noni1974 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • noni1974

    Yes the guy told me if I wanted to keep my old hard drive I would need the case. My old hard drive had issues so I thought it better to just throw the whole thing away, which is what I did with it anyway. It was only 40GB's so I though what the hell get a new one or a bigger one. I didn't know this one was 160GB the guy told me it was only 80GB when I bought it but when I looked it up in the system it say's I have 149GB and 90% of it is free space right now.

    My old computer was so old it was a hand me down from my mother who got it from my brother who got it from a company that didn't need it anymore 4 years ago. It came with Windows Milliam. I upgraded it to Windows 2000 Pro. Still I wasn't sorry to see it go when I got rid of it.

  • brinjen

    Personally, I prefer the HP printers, even though their cartridges are a little on the expensive side. You can, however, get away with refills and generic cartridges without running up a repair bill which you can't do so easily with the other brands (Epson especially).

    The problem is the print heads. They're designed to work optimally with the ink made by the printer brand only. No one can replicate the ink either as they usually wack as many patents as they can on each new model that no one is legally able to. On Epson printers, the print heads are usually built into the printer, fry them and you may as well throw the printer out as it will cost you double to have it repaired than to buy a new one. Canons aren't so bad, the print head is separate, but still quite costly. HP (and Lexmark) have the print head built into the cartridge itself. Buy a new cartridge whether genuine or a cheapo generic version, you've replaced the print heads.

    Keep in mind, most printers when sold new don't come with full cartridges, they're only around half way full.

    I've got a HP PSC 1610, a 3-in-1 that also scans and can be used as a photocopier. I paid $40 for it a year ago as the store put the wrong price on it. It was meant to be over $100. Good prints, I re-fill the cartridges three times before I replace them.

  • noni1974

    I've got an HP psc 1315v 3 in one. I paid 100 for it like 2 years ago. I've replaced the cartriges in it once. Right now it's saying the paper tray is empty and it's not. I have paper in it. It doesn't take just one sheet of paper anymore if it takes the paper at all it usually takes a bunch of it. I really think I messed it up when I got an M&M stuck in it.

    I'm thinking of getting a cheep printer. I found one for 29.99 at wally world. An HP. If I need to change the cartrige I can take it to Walgreens and get them filled for 15.00. If it starts acting up I just throw it away. Or I could go with another HP 3 in one for 100.00 or less I saw one for around 50.00 online at walmart.com. I would like the scanner feature because it comes in handy.

    My dream printer would be a color laser printer. I have one at work that's works great. I don't need a picture printer because walgreens prints pictures right from my memory card for .15 cents a print or less. Plus I would rather pay them to do it then sit here for hours on end trying to print pictures. I can get all diffrant sizes and a CD with the pictures on it for 15.00 to 20.00 for 300 pictures with the CD.

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