omg i feel sick now lol

by KW13 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aphrodite

    *gag* I feel sick too after reading the guest book!

  • betterdaze

    Main Menu

    –> 2008 Diarys

    2008 Theocratic planners diarys are here an excellent addition to our product catalogue
    to help all Jehovah's Witnesses keep track of there time during the next service year.

    There are currently no products in this range.

    An Awake! education, used to the full, priase Juh.



    OMG - less than a year ago I'd have been "joyful" to find that pink WT cover for my own personal study copy. Sick is right.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    You may be wondering 'who are we?'

    (see Home page)

  • Hope4Others

    Now is this endorsed by the Watchtower Bible and Tract society!

    Wonder how long this will be able to carry on? I'm sure pioneers or not it would not be acceptable, nothing ever is. You all find alot of stuff

    on the net, quite interesting...



  • LouBelle

    are they allowed to even do that - I mean they are using their brothers and sisters to make money. Those covers are bloody expensive (if you convert them to rands they are over R 180.00) I could get the exact same thing here at a 10th of the price and stick my own personal labels.


  • carla

    The following is from the 'official' jw gift site (?!) Disaster relief?

    Your Voluntary Donations Support Worldwide Bible Education

    • Promoting Religious Worship
    • Supporting Missionaries Worldwide
    • Maintaining Branch Facilities
    • Disaster Relief
    • International Construction
  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    i just realised, a friend of mine owns that site lol.

    Who is it?

  • WTWizard

    What a way to waste more money. I could go to Staples and get most of the items, though not as specialized for field circus, for about 20% of the cost. Plus, I would get it that day instead of having to wait a week or more for delivery (and that's if you are home--UPS is very unforgiving about people that are not home, having the missed delivery slip written up and pasted on your door before they give the doorbell a quick jab on the way back to the truck).

  • WTWizard

    What a way to waste more money. I could go to Staples and get most of the items, though not as specialized for field circus, for about 20% of the cost. Plus, I would get it that day instead of having to wait a week or more for delivery (and that's if you are home--UPS is very unforgiving about people that are not home, having the missed delivery slip written up and pasted on your door before they give the doorbell a quick jab on the way back to the truck).

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