I like gay people.

by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    Yep. I'm all for behavior between consenting adults provided it does not adversely affect me.

    I like the way JK put it. They are no different from the good/bad/tolerable/annoying ratio that the rest of the population contains.

    // Not scientific, just my humble opinion in case you were wondering

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yeah, me too. They are so much fun and opened minded.

  • Casper


  • ButtLight

    ME TOO! My sister is gay! I love her and her wife to death!

    I also have a few aquaintences who are male, and flaming, but they are the sweetest, most loving guys you could ever be around! to the gay community!

  • nomoreguilt

    Well, I suppose that it's time for me to come clean about something. No, I'm not gay. I'm about as straight as they come, but that doesn't mean that I'm a bad person, does it? No. What I'd like to address is the point about being a witness and how judgemental they can be.

    While I was a witness, I was the biggest homophobe you could ever meet. I condemned their lifestyle and made the most disparaging comments that one could say. I went out of my way to public embarass them when I encountered them. Queer, fag, fudge packer you name it, I said it! But then of course, I was showing true christian love, wasn't I?

    You have to admit that being witnesses we were the most judgemnetal people on the face of the earth. Goats, demons, wicked, worldy, condemned all of that. Therefore when being gay or not being gay was the focus of society what with HIV being a gay disease and those that had it were condemned by god, what else could a witness do but condemnd them all to HELL!

    WAKE UP TIME!!! I realized, just who the hell was I to judge another person's psychological make up, their upbringing or any of the other factors that contribute to a person's indivuality?

    Actually, my becoming more acceptable to the gay lifestyle was when I married the love of my life. My soul mate, my non-JW bride. No, she isn't gay either. However, her nephew IS! Nice kid. In his mid twenties, very well mannered, accomplished, responsible. He carries himself well and doesn't act the part in our presence. From what I am told he has always been a "sissy", I don't mean this disparagingly. It's just the way my wife described his youth. He was raised without a father and had 2 older sisters and a female cousn that he was always with.

    He tried as a teen to have girl friends, but he always knew that he was differant. He didn't openly admit that he was gay until his late teens when he broke down one day and justed blurted out that he knew he "DIFFERANT".Poor kid, living his life trying not to be but in the end having to face the facts that he was.

    I am not making excuses for gays, their lifestyle is not MINE but as long as they don't involve me in it and bring thier behaviour in my home, then just let them live.


  • hillbilly

    I like people too. Just not the "Villiage People"...

    What puts us angry white men off about gays is the freak parade that the media wants to front as the Gay image. Heteros dont make that kind of statement about our lifestyle and those extremists that get all the attention on Gay Pride day sort of scare the un-initiated.

    If the fundy Ned Flanders of the world put on a "Hetro Day Parade" I would not care for that either... Lets limit parades to St Pats, July 4, Memorial Day and Thanksgiving Day... that would do fine by me. You gay folks are invited.

    I really dont care how you do what you do... as a big boy, I have seen enough to get the graphic idea of the mechanics of the act. I dont need the government spending my money to study your brains or lifestyle to see what makes you like you are. Face it...your just a person and you do what you do.

    Gay marriage gets confused as civil union... marriage is a religious idea. Using legal status for insurance and business relationships between people with a vested interest in each other is a business idea. If you commit and want to visit your partner in the hospital, buy a house or add them to your insurance that should be withing those industries regulation.

    Recap... you are not better, worse of really that much diffferent than me. And I think the Villiage people mock Indians, Construction workers, cops and bikers. Nuff said

  • lisavegas420

    this is a true story:

    This would have been in the 70's. I don't remember which magazine it was, but one of them the cover said something like: Do We Live In A Gay Society

    Soooo...at some point while riding in the car, my mom said which magazine are your presenting in your presentation? I showed her which one and she said.."Oh, your presenting the one about homosexuals?"

    Could have knocked me over with a feather. I did NOT know that was what that meant. And NO I had no't read the magazine's myself.

    Now...it kinda one of those things I think about. Like, why in the world did they let us little girls, go up to people's house alone? And why didn't my parents go over this adult stuff with us before they sent us out?


  • VoidEater

    People are people...there are gay people I do and do not like (I happen to like my boyfriend, though, so that's a good thing - "domestic partner" in the lingo).

    But what is this "gay lifestyle" I hear so much about? Did I miss out? I've only been "married" for going on 21 years now...was this a part of history I've not seen? Maybe I should start my own thread...

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    'I-like-fundamentalist-literal-Bible-interpretatin'-Christians-who-hate-gay-people-or-at-the-very-least-disapprove-of-them-because-the-Bible-tells-me-so' thread.

    Come on folks, don't let me down now. Might throw in a baby-seal pelt, no holes, to the first taker!!!!!

    '~' ole!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I love almost everybody. Gays, str8s, trannies, white, red, yellow, green. I have actually been very well treated by several gays and lesbians at work. I have also been mistreated by some. I agree with JK, there are Adam Henry's in any group

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