Here's another 1975 goodie

by rekless 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    Hey , Sunshine did we ever meet in Mississippi or in Clearlake, Ca.
    My name is Dan Walker I Da myself then received notice that I was DFed from the Clearlake cong.

    I'm in Las Vegas, NV. now looking for work.

    THanks for your concern.

  • Thirdson

    Here's one quote from not that long ago:

    13 The economic chaos in today's world is a harbinger of the fulfillment of the prophecy at Ezekiel 7:19: "Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah's fury." All the material wealth on earth does not begin to compare with the saving power of wisdom and discernment. Wise King Solomon stated on another occasion: "Wisdom is for a protection the same as money is for a protection; but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom itself preserves alive its owners." (Ecclesiastes 7:12) Happy indeed are all who today walk in Jehovah's ways of pleasantness and who in wisdom choose the "length of days," the everlasting life that is God's gift to everyone exercising faith in Jesus' ransom sacrifice!-Proverbs 3:16; John 3:16; 17:3. Watchtower 12/15/93 Page 19 from article Cultivating Godly Fear

    Here's another:

    Those having their mind set on the accumulation of riches are building on a foundation that is crumbling because they are supposing that money will always have value. Yet, devaluation is the order of the day, and in the near future at the war of Armageddon what Ezekiel 7:19 says will come true: "Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become." So, if you do not want to lead a life of disillusionment and frustration, beware of sacrificing it on the altar of materialism.
    Watchtower 2/1/70 Page 90


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • VM44

    "We will all be standing and watching as they throw their worthless money into the streets."

    Will that apply also to the Watchtower Stock Market holdings?

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