"Deal Buster" beliefs which prove it ISN'T the truth

by gaiagirl 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    Their bizarre fixation with controlling men's facial hair length.(This just struck me as freaking inhuman, unnatural and a ridiculous way to measure a man's value as worthy of "privileges".

    Asking for the blood card back when they kick ya to the curb.
    (I'm SO glad they did this. It spoke volumes. Volumes like "die bitch, we don't care".
    I was suddenly so creeped out by these freaks I couldn't run fast enough away.)

    Funny Spaz! The hair this is so minor, and yet you are right...bizarre and controlling! (and it is not just facial hair length....head hair too...geez I remember guys getting creamed over those sideburns.

    This blood card thing I have never heard of...weird...anyone else?.....................oompa

  • nomoreguilt

    It was when the wts had to change over to a contribution basis for the literature. As a ruse,trying to sidestep the govt, while all the while greedily taking advantage of the dubs ignorance. Always setting up new contribution schemes. Worldwide work, construction funds, local maintenance funds.

    I always doubted many of the wts SPIN on scriptures, siting them as their own findings. Interpretations of times, times a times and myriads of other supposedly fact based dates to fulfill thier own mind controlling dictates.

    Now that they are selling off properties, it's just another example of using everyones money to fill their coffers. Why not assist those that have supported the wts all of their lives in their financial times of need. With all of the trusts from deceased members, properties willed to them, entire estates, life insurance monies, some of this was no doubt placed in annuities somewhere. We know that the wts is that smart.

    Where is this LOVE that they preach that binds them all together?


  • oompa
    Spook: to finally in the late 1800's reach his hand into the mix and guide malcontented men through a century of endless equivocation, speculation and confusion to conclude that the grand creator of our cosmos is deeply concerned with your masturbatory habits, sexual positions with your wife and your choices in popular music.

    OMG....I formally pronounce this an instant CLASSIC!.................oompa

  • oompa

    My Deal Buster is so mundane compared to the rest of you. I always hated ridiculous interpretations of prophecy, which could never be proven, but it was really coming to the realization that we REALLY DO HAVE OUR OWN FREAKKIN BIBLE AND THAT WE CHANGED IT TO SUIT OUR FANCY that did it for me.....just a little thing...writing our own fake fraudulent Bible since 1950 and deceiving millions about it's accuracy.....oompa

    lurkers...pm me for WT verified proof of this

  • WTWizard

    The people are supposed to be the happiest on the planet. They talk about those who are not experiencing it as not doing enough--when it is blatantly obvious that being there is the source of much of the problems. Too many rules--how can anyone be happiest when not free to do anything?

    Can a person be at their happiest just above the poverty level? I don't think so. Most people would like more money, and there are plenty of things that the witlesses think of as luxuries (and didn't even exist 10 years ago) that are what I call practical necessities. They are not bare necessities, but most people today would think of a computer with Internet access as a practical necessity. And there are the "niceties", which are things that people enjoy. A stereo system, CDs, the ability to download music on one's computer, porn, a big screen TV, Christmas decorations, and cell phones that play video games fit this category. While not true luxuries, they are also not true necessities.

    People are at their happiest when they are busy creating value. Those who create a lot of value are going to work long hours, and yet it will not seem long (have you ever had a child watch the clock to get done with play time and be glad it's done for the day? I don't think so.) Think Henry Ford and Bill Gates. People like that are busy creating things that did not exist before, or facilitating mass-production of things. They work long hours on the jobs, often longer even than the pioneer witlesses. Yet, they do not trudge off to work and eagerly await quitting time. And, those people are not just above the poverty line--often, people that pioneer in value creation become rich in the process.

    The whole Watchtower Society's idea of happiness is totally absurd. Ultimately, it contributed to my going apostate. At least, here I can do something that resembles creating value. If just one person that was going to progress to become a witless decides not to based on something I post, or one person who is an active witless and happy with it drops out because of one of my posts, then it will amount to creation of value. And the Watchtower Society will be the one that is unhappy.

  • StAnn

    607 vs. 587.

    The fact that the NWT was "translated" by people with absolutely no qualifications or abilities.

    The flashing "new light."

    Rejection of the fossil record, i.e., remember when they said dinosaurs had never existed?

    Probably what got me started was the unpaid, untrained "clergy" to whom we were supposed to entrust our salvation. When your husband beats you and mistreats you and the elders say there's nothing they can tell you that isn't in the "Family" book and that, even though you're supposed to turn to them for guidance and they aren't qualified and don't guide you, you shouldn't seek professional help. Once I started seeking professional help, it became clear to me why the WTS doesn't want people seeking professional help~they help you get your act together so you can leave!

  • jamiebowers

    I wasn't as scholastic as the rest of you; maybe because I was running for my life at the time. The deal buster for me was the way JW's treat women and children who are being abused inside of the organization, ie; abused children, battered wives, rape victims.

  • SPAZnik

    I also remember doing some heavy research on one particular occasion
    involving the greek septuagint (sp?) version or whatever
    and discovering unsettling discrepancies between the NWT and the original words.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Lack of love, or even kindness, on many occasions by the so-called "elders".

    The requirement to disown your own children who choose to leave this religion (cult).

    The ever changing blood issue and lack of any logical reasoning for it.

    The two witness rule when it comes to child molestation.

    The condescending treatment of women by the "good old boys club" and the organization in general.

    The get out of trouble free cards given to the elders and any they choose to allow to bend the rules.

    I could go on, but I feel my blood pressure going up and it's just not worth it.

  • wherehasmyhairgone

    For me, it was finally the realisation that all their 'logical' arguments for God, suffering, the 'reason for life' all fell apart once you started examining them. that hit me first, then the whole evidence thing for fossil, evolutions etc.

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