Did You Find Many JWs As Being Not Very Intelligent?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maddie

    I didn't find this to be the case. Very intelligent people are known to be in cults but is probably stunted by the mind control.

  • jamiebowers

    Organically stupid, no--uneducated, yes. I remember a newly baptized brother who corrected an elder on the pronounciation of coup d'e`tat (the elder was saying coop de tat), and boy, did that young brother get hauled to the back room in a hurry!

  • hillbilly

    the whole range...MENSA level to dolts... I think anyone can get duped by the WT. Theres a sucker born every minute and some ended up in the WTBTS


  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I think that being in the the WT causes a person's mind to atrophy over time. As Pioneer Spit said, they never learn anything new. We have all heard stories of ones who "studied themselves right out of the truth." So you better not learn anything new or Satan will getcha. Besides, who of them has the time to read anyhting other than what they are already required? They are always reading but, never learning. I felt it happen to me, my mind atrophying. But after being out for a year, my smarts are growing back!

  • nomoreguilt

    Titania........Welcome to JWD....And yes, you show your intelligence by being here with us.


  • wings

    First I would like to say that I agree with so many on this thread. I am from an affluent area in Colorado, and so my witness experience may be different than some.

    Affluence breed’s arrogance, the WTS breeds arrogance, and arrogance can mask itself as intelligence. Be it only a mask, if you are a successful dub, and successful in an affluent economy, if you travel all over the world, have kids (good looking kids) in Bethel, own your own plane and fly it, you flaunt the simple eye doctrines and get by with it because you do everything else perfect. You end up with something like.... "Everybody wants to be me". Yes, I think these people have some form of intelligence, however I think it is channeled into some sort of narcissism and eventually becomes unpalatable for the likes of the real world.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome Titania !! Great first post !

    And I think I can agree with what's been posted already. I'll just add that I've noticed that most of the new ones converted to JWs (not the children) are not as bright, or just plain odd. The bOrg has made it so much easier to make idiots feel super-intelligent by studying their publications. Really, studying the Bible Teach book, a person would have to be totally incompetant to not be able to find the answers to the "study questions" clearly and directly readable in the paragraph.

    Seems like they just keep dumbing down the message to reach the bottom of the barrel and find suckers to believe it.

  • flipper

    I agree with what Maddie said. I think there are just as many intelligent people in the witnesses as other faiths - however the " cult mind control" robs them of all critical thinking ability. It's like their minds are in neutral - paralyzed - until something jars the mind lose from the mind control paralysis ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper P.S. Although they would highly enhance their chance to be more intelligent encouraging young ones to go to college !

  • JWdaughter

    Same intelligence on average as others. They go along with the WT program for varied reasons, and it is mind set, rather than ability which will rescue them from that pit or leave them in it. Nothing to do with intelligence. Intelligent people can still like being controlled, being told what is right or wrong. They can be accepting of abuse. . .all for their own unique reasons. And those who get out do so for their own reasons also. Some still believe it-or don't trust their own judgment (which has nothing to do with intelligence). Someone who is not savvy about the way cults work could be very intelligent and yet still get drawn in. Their arguments are not exactly at high levels, they are mostly based on emotions and human 'reasoning' of issues. Perfectly intelligent people who know they are at a movie can still cry at the sad parts-because their emotions are being preyed upon. Totally separate from intelligence.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I found many of them to be extremely trusting. Some were able to question and as a consequence grow. Others felt comfortable. I have a son with a Degree in Mechanical Engineering, yet he went back to the Vomit of the Watchtower. He's extremely intelligent yet he needed this comfort zone.

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