this is getting around JW world Elder/Dad sent it to me

by oompa 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I saw the news item, and was going to pass it on to dad but he beat me to it....someone had already e-mailed him about it. His e-mail was from cnn which stated JW's are fastet growing, but also dead last in retaining those raised in that Faith....YEAH! were number one kinda.......................................oompa

    btw the whole survey is pretty interesting...this page says jw men outnumber women 60 to 40

  • Dagney
    this page says jw men outnumber women 60 to 40

    Does this mean the women are no longer a "mighty army?" (I hope I hope!!)

    I also point out that the percentage of growth exceed the LDS, however, their numbers are like 5 times greater so their slightly lower percent increase still blows the JW growth rate clear out of the water. (Can't find the original post, hope my statement is correct. )


    Oompa..Kingdom Halls don`t have Windows..But..They do have a Revolving Doors,so 2/3`s of the Jehovah`s Witness can Escape!..BravoLaughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Billzfan23

    What struck me was that 6% of them are college graduates, while 16% of Catholics are college grads.. That's like 250% more... JW dumb-asses...

  • sweetface2233

    Oompa, you have it backward...the women outnumber the men. And who are these 1% of JWs that get to live w/ a "partner"?

  • ex-nj-jw
    And who are these 1% of JWs that get to live w/ a "partner"?

    That's what I wanna know


  • willyloman
    And who are these 1% of JWs that get to live w/ a "partner"?

    Maybe the respondents referred to their "pioneer partners."

    As for the survey, it has to be askew with respect to JWs because the Society has put the kibosh on dubs taking these kinds of surveys. Therefore a large percentage of JWs would decline to respond if contact by a polling firm. I don't know if that means the surveyors kept calling until they got their quota of dub responses, or whether they just reported with what they had. I know that, back in the day when I was a fully immersed dub, I'd have followed Mother's instructiions and declined to answer the survey questions. How this behavior impacts the overall results, I will leave to the experts to parse.

  • Hope4Others

    Well we see how literal witness take putting the kingdom first. Very interesting tables Oompa.


  • Sirona

    Very interesting!

    Divorced JWs outnumber the divorced catholics!

    Most revealing is the 3% postgrad education, compared to much higher figures in other faiths. JWs come last in both Graduate and Post Graduate figures (at just 6%)

    Interestingly they are highest in high school diplomas. This must be that due to being forced to have a high school education the JW children are conscientious, but then are discouraged from further education!

    This leads to the high numbers of JWs on low incomes - a whacking 42% on less than $30000 per annum (around £15000 pa)


  • sir82
    the Society has put the kibosh on dubs taking these kinds of surveys.

    True, but....

    1) that restriction was stated in a letter read to the congregations 2 or 3 years ago. It has not even been mentioned since. How many people remember that the letter was even read? 75% of JWs couldn't tell you what the theme of the Public Talk was 5 minutes after the Watchtower study.

    2) Given the anonymity of answering questions over the phone, perhaps a reasonably large number figured "hey the elders will never find out how I personally answer these questions."

    The proprtion of JW responses (a couple hundred) to the total sample size (35,000) is on the same scale as the number of JWs in the US to the total population (1 milllion out of 300 million).

    The only thing that might skew the results are people who consider themselves JWs, but really aren't. In one of my previous congregations we'd run into people in field service all the time who said "oh I'm a JW too", but really it was a case where they studied 20 years ago, never got baptized, but figured they had somehow "joined". But I don't think there would be a significant amount of people like that anyway.

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