Did you see Jones town last night ?

by mouthy 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • heathen

    I've seen that before myself , it was pretty sad how people are that easily manipulated . Alex Jones does have allot of interesting info but don't think I've heard the jones town stuff , I know he talks about david koresh and the branch davidians , which I'm still not sure what went on with that .Alex seems to think it was all government cover up , since the government report shows non incendiary smoke canisters were used and the davidians burned their own building down , yet eye witness accounts say other wise . I just feel sorry for the children that died a senseless death .

  • seek2find

    So glad you have a real comforter Mouthy, He's the best! seek2find

  • Mary

    I didn't see it Grace, but I remember when it happened......Like Randy said, it bothered me somewhat in the fact that I could see similarities between the Organization and Jonestown.

    It was especially sad when a man said he saw his dying wife holding a tube of poison in his little boys mouth...He was crying.... I truly upst me.

    Yep.......not much different though then when a parent watches their child die from refusing a blood transfusion. Horrific, needless and very upsetting.

  • mouthy

    Yep.......not much different though then when a parent watches their child die from refusing a blood transfusion. Horrific, needless and very upsetting

    Yes I guess thats true....I went through that,,,, GUILTY!!! I would not grant the DR permission to give Melanie a blood transfusion when she was about 12 yrs old. Thank God I excused myself by opting out by thinking well my hubby is the head of the house -so he must decide.( sneaky eH?) but the DR decided she didnt need one. THANK GOD!

  • dogisgod

    I have seen a documentary years ago. Don't know if this is the same. Remembering when this happened it was absolutely unbelievable that so much actual film exists and that people would kill their own children (not that that hasn't happened in history many times before). Jim Jones was such a creepy bad Elvis impersonator. Just like Waco. That's what happens when you give yourself over mentally to a human being. Kind of wacky that sisters in a car would say if the borg told them to kill...they would. Isn't that really perverted thinking....using Jonestown as a measuring gauge for your "faith and obediance".

  • glenster
  • mouthy
  • The Doc 58
    The Doc 58

    sorry to change the subject a little, but a really good band is the brian jonestown massacre. www.brianjonestownmassacre.com

    kind of a sixties retro band from california.

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