Sick and Tired of Doomsday Crap

by journey-on 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    I was also sick of hearing about how the peole of the world were all so bad and worthy of destruction. Bad association, evil doers, lovers of evil and money. Come to find out that the world is full of great, wonderful, kind people who just have a bad day every once in a while. Like we all do.

    Education is so bad but when a JW has a heart attack or cancer they sure to run to those educated doctors quick enough. I am sure they are glad that some good people sacrificed their free time to educate themselves in the art of healing and helping.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I get tired of doomsday crap too. But I never tire of The Doomsday Machine! LOL If you like Star Trek click below for that episode.

    I hear you tho. I am beginning to understand that this doomsday crap is just another method of controlling us with either guilt or fear. For instance, it is fear mongering by scaring us into attending for fear of being swallowed whole by the earth itself. Or it is guilt mongering if they tell us that we will have blood on our hands for not going out and harrassing everyone and selling books. They can all go jump in a Lake of fire!


  • Quandry

    Education is so bad but when a JW has a heart attack or cancer they sure to run to those educated doctors quick enough. I am sure they are glad that some good people sacrificed their free time to educate themselves in the art of healing and helping.

    So true, crooked lumpy. I used to think of that back when I was "in." Too bad I didn't take it to heart and get out and get the education so that I could really help people.

    Yes, they "use" the professional people then lament the "fact" that they will die at the big A.

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