SciFi Prophecies

by LtCmd.Lore 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • LtCmd.Lore

    There have been a LOT of science fictions films, series and books. Well, the genre has been around for a while now, so we get to look back at some of our past films and books, and see if they have proven true, or false.

    The Hypospray: TRUE

    It's that little medical device that injects liquids into the human body. But instead of a needle, it uses air to force the stuff right through the skin. We weren't supposed to invent this technology until somewhere around the 22 century, but we got around to it a little early.
    Behold! The Jet Injector.

    Flat-Screen monitors: TRUE

    As depicted in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. They had to use a projector for the effect, but sure enough, by 2001 they were in use.

    Intelligent Computers:TRUE

    In that same film, there was a computer who beat a guy at chess. This was achieved in 1997 by the computer Deep Blue.

    Colonization of the moon: FALSE

    2001 came and went and we still haven't colonized the moon.

    Communicator: TRUE

    In fact, this one is SO true, that it's almost false. Our modern cell phones are MUCH more compact than those bulky things that Kirk carries around.

    Warp Drive: ????.

    We don't have it yet... and that's to be expected, we're not supposed to invent warp drive until the year 2063. We shall see if that one comes true.

    Artificial intelligence: ????

    Well, it's too late for Space Odyssey, 2001 has come and gone and we still don't have sentient computers. But it's not to late for Star Trek.
    In fact according to Ray_Kurzweil We should have computers with the same Processing Power as the human brain, and by 2040 computers will be advanced enough that they can improve on themselves.
    That's a few hundred years early for Star Trek. But 2029 is RIGHT on target for Ghost in the Shell, which takes place in 2030.

    Tollerance: TRUE

    A major theme in most sci-fi, mainly star trek, is the acceptance of other races, cultures, species, lifestyles and opinions. Since it was written at a time bigotry was rampant, this is a pretty impressive jump. We're not QUITE at the level of Star Trek, but at the rate we're going, by the 24th century most of our remaining prejudices should be gone.

    Asteroid Belt:FALSE and TRUE

    You know the game Asteroids... and Battlestar Galactica, and Star Trek, and pretty much EVERY space travel movie there is... they go through an asteroid belt, and the asteroids are literally slamming into each other, and it's almost impossible to successfully navigate your way through.
    In fact the ability to navigate an asteroid belt is generally considered to be evidence of an AMAZING pilot.

    Well that's just not the case. The asteroid belt is not the slightest bit dense. They do slam into each other, but it only happens every couple million years:

    Some movies get it right though, like Space Odyssey.

    So, any of you guys know of any sci-fi prophecies that have come true, or failed?

  • Hortensia

    well Arthur Clarke came up with the idea of satellites and satellite communication. I remember reading a Robert Heinlein book where the protagonist has a wireless telephone with him out on a horse ride - this was in the 50s, I think.

  • SacrificialLoon

    According to a book of mine called "Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future"

    1993 - Khan (KHAAAAAAAN!!!!) Noonien Sing and his band of superior humans seize power, and the Eugenics wars ensue.

    1996 - Khan (KHAAAAAAAN!!!!) is overthrown, and escapes from earth along with 40 of his fellow "supermen" aboard a DY-100 class sleeper ship.

    1999 - Voyager 6 launched

    2009 - First successful manned mission to Saturn

    2025 - Runification of Ireland

    2030 - Zephram Cochrane is born

    2033 - 52nd state admitted into the union (USA)

    2040 - TV no longer survives as a signifigant form of entertainment.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Oh a more serious one.

    Ender's Game - Peter and Valentine, Ender's older siblings assume alternate identities to sway the people on "the nets".

    Battletech - Neurohelmets used to interface with the 'mechs. Direct brain to machine interfaces are being devloped.

  • DrMike

    Where's my damn flying car ? ! ? !

  • Chameleon

    nanotechnology will be useful.

    but if nanobots ever go sentient, we're screwed.

  • Satanus

    A space elevator, a c clark, i believe, in fountains of paradise, or maybe foundations of paradise. Jules verne, who is the original scifi writer, wrote about things that have come true. Don't remember them, though. I need a memory upgrade.


  • VM44

    The Pocket Calculator: TRUE

    Isaac Asimov predicted the Pocket Calculator in his Foundation novel published in 1951! This was when the few computers that were in existence then were room sized machines and were very expensive, both to purchase and maintain.

    Seldon removed his calculator pad from the pouch at his belt. Men said he kept one beneath his pillow for use in moments of wakefulness. Its gray, glossy finish was slightly worn by use.
    From Foundation, by Isaac Asimov.
    Published by Doubleday in 1951
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "City" by Clifford D. Simak is completely fulfilled, as anyone sharing their life with a wolfson understands.


  • kurtbethel

    Sometimes it is easy to start thinking that these authorized writers are doing more than merely entertaining us. Especially ones like Asimov and Clarke, it appears they write to condition the public about things that are planned to be.

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