Notes from the Sunday assembly: apostates, doubts, deficit

by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    How is it possible for every single assembly to be 'short' of cash!

    Because something that is not mentioned in the accounts report is that the first "expense", one that is determined before the assembly even starts, is a big contribution that will be sent to The Watchtower Society!

    This is a creative expense reporting at its best!

    I wish the assembly accounts report would be clear about the existence of this "contribution expense", but it is something will NEVER be explained publicly!

  • VoidEater

    Because you did it to the least of these, my brothers.

    If Jesus is only concerned about how the Remnant is treated, I guess that's just another nail in the coffin of the Great Crowd.

    So Jesus only spoke to the FDS; and only the FDS have a direct relationship with Jesus; technically, only the FDS can pray through Jesus; and now the Great Crowd isn't even "the least" of the congregants, that's reserved for the FDS, too.

    What the heck is the Great Crowd for, then, and what part do they play in the Great Plan? I mean, aside from providing $$?

  • Younglove1999

    Speaker said that he knew a couple of non-witnesses who were kind, caring and supportive of an older anointed couple in their 80s.

    "Are these the kind of people Jesus was referring to?", he asks? No, just because they show human kindness does not mean they will survive Armaggedon.

    OH MY GOD-

    And how do THEY know? What I don't understand is how can the WTS go about and say "oh, we're no longer the ones doing the seperating work- we don't know who the sheeps are from the goats-only Jesus"

    yet they know who will and won't survive this so-called Armageddon?

  • DanTheMan

    PUKE ALERT! Speaker says that world people who are kind to "Jesus' brothers", even if they do not accept the truth, will not get everlasting life.

    "will not get everlasting life". How I wish they'd say what they really mean. 'Brothers, those nice people that you work with or that you grew up with or who live next to you, well, Jesus is going to kill them. Sorry.

  • AudeSapere

    The ad that pops up on this thread must be in response to the kindly non-jw couple:

    I thought it was cute. Wonder if there are any JW's mentioned on that site...


  • flipper

    TRUTHSEEKER- Great exposing of their methods ! So, let me get this straight , I can be an a$$hole who is not that kind , but if I'm " in the group " as a Jehovah's Witness ( a baptized unkind member ) I'll still get everlasting life . But if I'm kind hearted to the WT society , help them out, support them , maybe donate money to the "faithful slave class" , and give them a cup of cold water - I'll be destroyed because of NOT being a baptized Jehovah's Witness. Makes no sense at all. I like my chances better persecuting Christ's brothers

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