Blood conversation with JW

by besty 10 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • besty

    Not many JW's speak to me - London Penge's Chief Apostate is persona non grata :-)

    In any case there are a few who still speak to us (less than 10 altogether but still, Bethel take note...) and I had the opportunity to discuss the blood fiasco with one of them recently. Their argument was that even if the WTS gets some things wrong, they get a lot right and Jehovah will sort it all out. Here's how it went...

    Me: So who is reponsible for the dead children because of an ever-changing blood fraction policy?

    Them: The nedical people can't guarantee that they would have lived even with blood.

    Me: So is it a medical position you are arguing? Doctors give best advice and some cases are very clear cut - take this component and live -don't take it and die... white blood cells and leukemia for example... so who is responsible - are you blaming the doctors?

    Them: God will have to fix things in his time.

    Me: So some children can live and some can die depending on what the WTS says is acceptable from one year to the next? That doesn't seem like something God would be involved with. In any case I had a chat with an HLC Elder some time back and he admitted there was no Biblical justification for allowing certain fractions.

    Them: You have to remember that the WTS helps a lot of people clean up their lives - its not all bad.

    Me: So some children have to die so that some drug addicts can clean up? There are alternative belief systems that help people sort their lives out without requiring children to die. Apart from that I can't see the JW belief as Bible-based as about 97.5% of blood is acceptable to them and all of that blood requires storage at some point. Is it abstain from blood and pour it on the ground or not?

    Them: Can we change the subject?

    Me: Of course <graciously accepts victory>

    Seems to be an easy argument to make and hopefully the cognitive dissonance might help a JW down the road they must take.

    <Incidentally another JW who still talks to us is researching the blood issue and is discussing the inconsistencies with their hardline JW partner - great>

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    You have to love the "but it helps more then hurts" argument. Even though they never will accept that the Baptist, Mormons, Catholics, Crazy Scientologist (I endorse every other religion over Scientology just to clear that up) and others might "help more then they hurt". It's mind boggling to hear a JW have to fall to this level...and funny.

  • aniron

    To me letting a person die by refusing them a blood transfusion or any other blood products.

    Whether its and adult or worse a child. Letting them die just to show "loyalty" to Jehovah.

    Is nothing more than a "Human Sacrifice".

    Is it any different from those pagans who sacrificed their children or virgins to idols, just to show their "loyalty" to their gods.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah, the Witnesses help alot of drug addicts so if some kid's die due to lack of white blood cells thats a worthy comprimise......dumb reasoning!.....and I love the great comeback arguement........"can we change the subject please....."

  • OnTheWayOut

    I hate trying to tackle this with my JW wife.

    I try to make a point that "WTS is inconsistent when they say, 'Do not store blood,
    the Bible says to pour it on the ground' yet they allow JW's to benefit from
    donated blood that was not 'poured on the ground' but stored to make fractions.
    They are being hypocrites."

    When I say this, she says "They only say the Bible doesn't specifically prohibit
    fractions. If any feel that way- that it is hypocritical, they are free to reject fractions."
    She never even makes the connection that they are wrong, just that they are not
    going beyond what is written.

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    That is the type of response I always used to get when I pointed out the inconsistencies of the blood policy. I was told I shouldn't accept blood fractions if it bothered my conscience. That wasn't the point though. either it is ok to store and use blood or it isn't They can't have it both ways.

    I think most dubs are trying hard not to think about inconsistencies.

  • Hiddenwindow

    It is frustrating to have such a conversation. I am using silence as a weapon now.

  • SirNose586

    That's the great thing about the blood controversy. It's so poorly constructed, that you can blast holes in it from any angle: Biblical, medical, or just point out the inconsistencies. Great job, dude!

  • BluesBrother
    Their argument was that even if the WTS gets some things wrong, they get a lot right and Jehovah will sort it all out.

    That is just about the measure of what it boils down to with dubs.I have had the same response..They do not understand the beliefs, they just trust. - trust that everything will work out in the end . They have been trusting for an awful long time.

    In respect of the blood issue and its lack of scriptural base , I attended a Congo. meeting that followed a seminar for HLC members . The Bethel Elder described the stance and said with great emphasis "The Governing Body have decided that these 4 main elements of blood ........etc" . That is it, it is entirely a man made doctrine.

  • real one
    real one

    aniron you are so correct. if you really look at the organization many of their beliefs can be traced to idol worship(wts),the blood issue-human sacrifice,they certainly dont love one another look at how they df...i could go on and on but you get my glad you stood up. let us all stand against the anti-christ

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