Big time watchtower art dept. jest

by cultswatter 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mkr32208

    A bunch of whack offs? I resemble that remark!

    What I don't get is that they have done simple anatomical studies backed up with practical experimentation that shows that someone suspended by that arms over the head like that loses consciousness and suffocates in under 10 minutes. Clearly this COULD NOT WORK. Screw the ancient Greek or Hebrew or any other nonsense. Simple test reveal that it COULD NOT WORK as depicted. Unless they tossed him up and he said all that crap REALLY QUICKLY!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    It seems to me that, to the christian, whether Jesus was nailed to a cross or to a stake should have no importance at all, the point being his sacrificial death.

    It does not matter if He died on a vertical post, a cross, or if they shot him with a machine gun or a hand phaser. His death is the main idea, not how he died. I have an old buddy that is a Pentacostal Christian who does not believe in wearing a cross. His idea is this.....If they shot Christ to death with a gun would we be wearing chains with tiny revolvers on them?

    I believe that the Bible mentions the word TREE in one account. Christ also was forcced to bear His cross.....So I think he carried the crossbeam and was nailed to the tree or post........

  • BurnTheShips

    You have to be extremely strong to hold a dead body up like that soldier is.

    What a crock!


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    What a horrible, horrible picture. And this is on a Watchtower cover? This is one sick religion. Is the caption a joke? I just can't believe that this is a real cover ... can someone confirm? I thought the one a few months' back with kids in a playground and some guy creeping up on them with a gun in his hand was in really poor taste, but this beats even that...

    I think the inmates really are running the asylum.

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