Being known on JWD - unable to discuss VERY personal matters.

by kwintestal 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • Hope4Others

    I'm fairly new to the board. And I have given this very much thought. I guess I feel that it is good to limit what you say that gives you away. Although many would like to make new friends

    here, I try to remember that you really don't know who anyone really is here. So being a friend just on the board is close enough for me. I think there are ways to talk about important

    issues in around about way if that is your desire or need. I think there are some that a genuinely compassionate and will keep things "in a tomb" as the saying goes.

    Best Wishes & Good Luck to All


  • Eliveleth

    As Lady Lee said, I think that you get a feel for people on this board and you kind of get to know

    who you can trust with your feelings. I would suggest that you PM them and vent. I would feel them

    out on a personal basis for a while before I really opened up, but I know we all need someone to share

    our deep feelings with.

    Love and hugs,


  • mouthy

    Well as you all know .I have revealed all my life to you all. Good ,Bad, ugly...Because I have come to a place in my life ,that I really dont care how others judge me. (Only GOD)
    Some have e-mailed me & said I give too much info. But that is my choice. When I tell the bad things I have done- it is to help others who sometimes think things are SO bad ,we cant get over it!!!
    There is nothing so bad that we have done,,,,that if we share it with another -we can get help with . I went to a counselor ......I think SHE was shocked.... Told me to write a book.

    But as you say if you have family members on line. I would suggest you dont share on line. I DO believe that some times "enemys can be in your own family"
    Good luck Kwin.... I have meet you! Is there anything about me now you know the good,bad,ugly, that you would shun me for ??????? Of course not!!!!!

  • LouBelle

    HI Mouthy - I'm with you on this - I'm at a place where I don't give a rats ass what people think of me. I know who I Am, why I Am and everything else.

    But I do understand if there are other family members / friends - you can't be as free as you'd like to be.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    I've known other boards that have the option to "post anonymous" once you're logged in. In other words, you do have to be a registered user, but in a particular forum (for example, to discuss medical issues or ask questions where privacy is a concern) you have the option to check a "post anonymously" box before submitting your post... replies to the thread may (or may not) be anonymous, but in that particular forum people have the ability to remain anonymous in their post.

    Could something like that be done here, to give registered users anonymity when needed?

  • Dorktacular

    I know. Sometimes I fear that I've said too much posting here. But, then again, if someone did uncover my thinly-veiled identity, what would it do to me? If anybody I know were to read my posts, it isn't anything that I wouldn't say to them! Mostly, I try to remain anonymous to protect some friends and family members who are still in the JWs and they might get in trouble simply by associating with me. I'm sure there are some lurking on the board who would just love to "expose" all of us and preach our identities from the mountaintops to focus all of the JWs wrath on us for daring to have a differing opinion. To those people I say: Get A Life You Loser! Anyway, I'm always glad to talk and if anybody needs to talk, I'm here. I promise, I won't call the PO of your congregation and "out" you or anything like that! LOL

  • Nellie

    How about just creating an "alter ego"?

  • FreedomFrog

    Kwin...I so know what you mean. You feel like you need to vent sometimes but too many people know too many "other" people and the venting isn't as possible. You have to basically "cry in silence" or trouble/bashing/bad mouthing could start.

    Lady Lee has a good point, pick out a few that you could trust or feel more comfortable with. Though, that sometimes can be difficult as well but it's better than nothing.

  • reneeisorym

    I tend to share a lot in real life and online. It kind of hit me once about how strangers know me when I don't know the same about them. I talked to a local ex-jw on the phone and he knew a heck of a lot about me and it was kinda freaky.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Oh Kwin, you know jwd wouldn't be that surprised to know about your penchant for wearing women's underwear. :)

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