Visit with my uncle

by Bumble Bee 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • delilah

    (((((((((( BB )))))))) I'm sorry you're going through this difficult time with your uncle.

  • truthsearcher

    (((((Bumble Bee))))): It sounds like you handled the situation with real warmth and forgiveness.May you continue to have strength in the sad days ahead.

  • dawg

    I'm sorry that you're having a rough time... my thoughts are with you...

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Thank you all for your kind comments and support.


  • dinah


    Those few extra seconds on that hug was telling you he loved you back.

  • jaguarbass

    I had a brother in law who came down with Lukemia and died within 5 days of being diagnosed because he wouldnt take blood. Such a waste.

    I have a coworker who in the past year was loosing blood his blood count went very low. He was hemoraging internally, probably due to alcoholism affecting his liver. He had several rounds of blood transfusions over about a 2 month period, stopped drinking and now seems as good as new.

    You cant expect your uncle and his family to do anything but maintain their course at this point. If this life is all their is the Wactower society is really the devil.

  • JWdaughter

    Hi, sorry your uncle is going through this. He seems good about his decision and his family is with him. That is important.

    While I often have issue with the WT stance on blood, I also have an issue with extending life just to extend it-and suffering for the entire time. I have seen people 'fight' for just a few months-and they knew thats all they would get. I don't understand that suffering just to call it 'life'. I know that often blood can be the difference between life and death, but in his case, it really would not have been anything but a band aid. I wouldn't take any treatment that would merely extend my life a few months at best while causing suffering and crazy amts of money to be spent. I hope you don't take this as a criticicm of your feelings-it isn't. I too am wigged out by the WT teachings-all the talk of a guaranteed resurrection because they died for want of blood. EWwww. It is morbid and creepy.

    Maybe I have suffered enough for actual living-I don't want to suffer just to die in a horrible painful death anyway. I hope your uncle goes peacefully and easily when it is his time and that he does it without regrets or excessive pain. Thats all you can hope for after watching so many die in hard ways (mentally, physically or emotionally).

    I'm glad you got to say good bye to each other. You love each other in spite of all else and that matters in the end more than blood or any other issue.

    My best to you both.


  • LouBelle

    HI BB - I know you were a little apprehensive about the whole thing - it sounded like it went well. You were there as his nephew, loving him for who he was and that was the most important thing.

  • JK666


    I am glad that you were so well received, and you were able to see him one last time. Situations with an entire room full of Dubs can be intimidating, I am glad that you got the chance to get some positive closure on the relationship that you had with him.



  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    Those few extra seconds on that hug was telling you he loved you back.

    Dinah, that's what I'd like to think too.

    Hi, sorry your uncle is going through this. He seems good about his decision and his family is with him. That is important.

    While I often have issue with the WT stance on blood, I also have an issue with extending life just to extend it-and suffering for the entire time. I have seen people 'fight' for just a few months-and they knew thats all they would get. I don't understand that suffering just to call it 'life'. I know that often blood can be the difference between life and death, but in his case, it really would not have been anything but a band aid.

    JWdaughter, that is one of the things we talked about, what his quality of life would be if he did accept the recommended treatment, and really it would not be a quality of life at all. I don't take your comments as critisim and know where you are coming from. There does come a point where you have to make the tough decision, and he really seemed at peace with his.

    HI BB - I know you were a little apprehensive about the whole thing - it sounded like it went well.

    Loubelle - it did go better than I expected, thank you.

    Situations with an entire room full of Dubs can be intimidating, I am glad that you got the chance to get some positive closure on the relationship that you had with him.

    JK, you got that right! Even though they were all my family, they are JW's first and foremost, and I wasn't sure what to expect. I was actually more worried about how they'd accept memario because of his gotee, than I was for myself.


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