what as your first jolt that started your wake up process?

by yourmomma 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    First off yourmomma, I just wanted to comment on this:

    This experience was the first jolt that eventually led up to me waking up from the matrix.


    I've been tricked by a few trolls in the past, and I'm sure I will be in the future, but I had a feeling you were being sincere when you first started posting here.


    OK, back on topic.

    Being raised "since infancy" in the ways of JWism there's no one single "light bulb" moment I can point to. It was a cumulative fog that got thicker over the years.

    Here's one I remember from childhood though.

    The six Creative days, when I was a kid, were DEFINITELY 7,000 years long. None of this mamby-pamby "long periods of time" stuff.

    Science classes clued me in to how ridiculous this notion was. It was the very first "Wait on Jehovah" item I can remember. Up until then I was an arrogant little prick who thought the JWs had it all right and these stupid scientists just needed to open up their eyes. Uh huh.

    I'm still an arrogant prick.....but I think scientists are pretty cool now.


  • waton

    not that I started to wake up then, which was decades away, but the first jolt was in 1958, walking between Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds, 2 stadiums in NY city that wt had rented. A big, 250 000 attendance, 6000 baptized convention. They just had demonstrated the new arrangement of sisters covertly teaching in the congregation by staging "conversations" under the supervision of a male.

    Not that the better part of the human race has nothing to teach, but just new to the game I wondered, where did this come from? , after 1 Cor. 14 and 2 Tim 2 still fresh in my mind. What else in the bible will be cast aside?

    This was supposed to be the wt Bible & t society inc,, headquartered just a few blocks away!

  • Wakanda

    The cold judgmental people that said they loved me. I did all I could, then got sick, really sick and because I wasn't always visible to them, they dropped me like a hot potato. No calls, no help. Wait, after months I got a card from one older man. When I did all I could and made it to a meeting I was shunned by about 30% of the congregation, and love bombed by others. I was trying so hard, and that was when they were just starting all the videos and they were not available on watchtower.borg or jw.borg. My husband and I noticed it was easier to find thing by googling than by using their search engine. So, I googled the convention reminders video because I couldn't go to meeting, and am quite certain I came here! I couldn't just go to youtube, it was sort of a private video. Well, I was shocked at the comments saying the video treated us like children, etc. BUT, then a video on the side was Eric Struggle's apostasy trial. I couldn't turn away and watched the whole thing. Hubby was away and I downed a bottle of wine and got to sleep about 4am (its hours long). I disagreed with everything Eric said, but I didn't forget it; it started the gears turning. Four - six months later I started reading JWfacts and was mentally out in a month. Now I have damning recordings of my own and keep hoping others will record apostasy hearings, elder meetings, elder meetings with COs, elders calling HQ, etc.


  • ToesUp

    Total 100% lack of love was the turning point for us. Once you learn TTATT you can not un see it.


  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @Wakanda That.

    Was hands down.

    The greatest.

    Apostasy trial.

    I have ever listened in on.

    My God, the man was was so eloquent, he may as well have been reading from the greatest script any apostate could take notes from. No wonder it left an imprint in your psyche over all those years!

    For a goof, check out 20:22 when the apostate in question pulls out a paper print out. The elders, suspecting it's "apostate literature" literally duck for cover as though he'd produced a loaded weapon.

  • Vidiot

    re. the OP...

    I LOLed at the crosswalk bit.

    Gamers would call a guy like that a "rules lawyer"; IMO, those doofy-ass mofos absolutely thrive in WT management.

  • DesirousOfChange

    those doofy-ass mofos absolutely thrive in WT management.

    They kinda remind me of Barney Fife.

    Thankfully they don't even get to carry a bullet in their pocket.

  • jp1692

    About sixteen or seventeen years ago, my now-ex-wife that was raised as a JW told me this:

    "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. . . .

    Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone!" - Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15

    She is still in the cult. I'm out.

    She was 10 years old when she first read that. She just turned 59. Both of her JW parents are dead. Gone.

    There is one thing about that quote from the Awake! that is true. She never did "fulfill any career that this system offers." She spent her entire life working in low-paying, unskilled jobs. She still does. No savings. No retirement. No plan.

    As I was leaving the cult I returned to college and earned a teaching credential. After leaving the cult I went on to obtain a Master's degree in education. As a result, I have a great career that I love and am well-compensated with full benefits--all things I never had when I was in the cult.

    My only regret is that I wish I'd left the cult sooner (or never even joined) and earned my degrees sooner. But at least I did both.

    She is still waiting for "soon." My soon has come and I'm enjoying every minute of it!

    Ironic. No?

  • jp1692

    Click here for a scan of the 1969 Awake! which I referenced in my post above.

    The excerpt quoted above is the first two full paragraphs on the page on the right.

    Thanks to Paul Grundy at jwfacts.com for providing this!

  • All or nothing
    All or nothing

    Definitely the lack of love among the congregation when that love is supposed to be the identifier of the true religion is what started it for us. Hypocrital Pharisee like attitude of elders when they were supposed to be serving the congregation was a huge red flag

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